
Shorten the URL - TinyURL Clone

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Shorten the URL

The Tech Stack

This project was built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node) stack. It uses Tailwind for the Frontend CSS. The frontend was deployed via Netlify at https://shorthentheurl.netlify.app/. The backend was deployed via Heroku at https://s-url1.herokuapp.com/.

Note: Please try to wait a few seconds until the shortened URL appears. Since the backend is deployed on the Heroku Free tier, it sometimes takes more time (or more than one request) to activate/"wake" the server.

More notes on deployment can be found under Build A Local Instance below.

The Results

The primary (and sole) functionality of this application is that the a long URL can be converted to shortened version upon clicking "Enter." This is done primarily by using a pre-built package called nanoid to generate the codes for the new shortened urls. It has a relatively low probability of collisions and was implemented in a single line of code. When the code is generated, it's appended to the backend API's domain (i.e. https://s-url1.herokuapp.com/qJnIxt) and stored in the database. When the user accessing this address, it redirects them to the long url link, which was implemented with Express. The remaining work was configuring the React code for frontend to update the states of the long and short url sections.


The frontend was tested manually, but there is in-built small test suite from "Create-React-App" to validate it renders appropriately. This can be found in client/SRC/App.test.js.

The backend was tested manually. Postman API platform was used for testing the POST and GET requests. You can find these tests here.

Build A Local Instance


$ cd client
$ npm install
$ npm start

It should automatically open at http://localhost:3000.

One way to deploy the frontend is with Netlify. You must use the following settings for this to work correctly.

Base directory: /client
Build command: npm run build
Publish directory: /client/build


$ cd server
$ npm install
$ npm start

You must set up your own MongoDB cluster, there's a free tier with MongoDB Atlas. You must then create a .env and insert your credentials. You can refer to the server/index.js then process.env. to find these variables.

To deploy the server, you can use Heroku. You must configure the "Config Vars" (same as the .env vars) accordingly for this build to be successfully. When you deploy, I recommend using the Heroku CLI, but at the final step, run git subtree push --prefix server heroku master rather than the typical git push heroku master.

This project was built starting with the following template.