
DEPRECATED :pager: SH1106 driver library

Primary LanguageCGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Build Status

Datasheets and user manuals

Getting started


# CMakeLists.txt

target_include_directories(<target> PUBLIC



#include <libopencm3/stm32/spi.h>
#include <libopencm3/stm32/gpio.h>

 * Command Description
 *  1. Power On and Initialization.
 *      1.1. When the built-in DC-DC pump power is being used immediately after turning on the power:
 *          +-----------------------+-----------------------+
 *          |               VDD1 - VSS is off               |
 *          |               VDD2 - VSS is off               |
 *          +-----------------------+-----------------------+
 *                                  |
 *          +-----------------------+-----------------------+
 *          |  Turn on the VDD1 - VSS and VDD2 - VSS power  |
 *          |           keeping the RES pin = "L"           |
 *          |                   (> 10us)                    |
 *          +-----------------------+-----------------------+
 *                                  |
 *          +-----------------------+-----------------------+
 *          |         When the power is stabilized          |
 *          +-----------------------+-----------------------+
 *                                  |
void sh1106_init(sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd) {

   *                                |
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *        |    Release the reset state (RES pin = "H")    |
   *        |                    (> 2us)                    |
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *                                |

  gpio_set(PORT_RES, PIN_RES);

   *                                |
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *        |          Initialized state (Default)          |
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *                                |
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *        | Function setup by command input (User setup): |
   *        |    (6) Segment Re-map (ADC) selection         |
   *        |   (17) COM Sequential / Alternative Mode      |
   *        |        selection                              |
   *        |   (13) COM Output Scan Direction selection    |
   *        |    (9) Multiplex Ration Mode selection        |
   *        |   (15) Display Divide Ratio / Oscillator      |
   *        |        Frequency Mode selection               |
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *                                |

  sh1106_set_segment_re_map(send8_cmd, SH1106_SEGMENT_RE_MAP_REVERSE_DIRECTION);
  sh1106_set_common_pads_hardware_configuration(send8_cmd, SH1106_COMMON_SIGNALS_PAD_CONFIGURATION_ALTERNATIVE);
  sh1106_set_common_output_scan_direction(send8_cmd, SH1106_COMMON_OUTPUT_SCAN_NORMAL_DIRECTION);
  sh1106_set_multiplex_ration(send8_cmd, 0x3F);
  sh1106_set_display_clock_divide_ratio_oscillator_frequency(send8_cmd, 1, SH1106_OSCILLATOR_FREQUENCY_POR);

   *                                |
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *        | Function setup by command input (User setup): |
   *        |   (18) VCOM Deselect Level set                |
   *        |    (5) Contrast set                           |
   *        |    (3) Vpp value set (suggested from Factory) |
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *                                |

  sh1106_set_vcom_deselect_level(send8_cmd, 0x35);
  sh1106_set_contrast_control_register(send8_cmd, 0xFF);
  sh1106_set_pump_voltage(send8_cmd, SH1106_PUMP_VOLTAGE_7_4);

   *                                |
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *        | Function setup by command input (User setup): |
   *        |   Clear internal RAM to "00H"                 |
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *                                |
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *        | Function setup by command input (User setup): |
   *        |   (10) DC-DC Control set: "ADH"               |
   *        |        Built-in DC-DC turn on: "8BH" (POR)    |
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *                                |

  sh1106_set_dc_dc_mode(send8_cmd, SH1106_DC_DC_ENABLE);

   *                                |
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *        | When the DC-DC Power (Vpp) is stabilized.     |
   *        | Typically, 100ms delay is recommended to wait.|
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *                                |
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *        | Function setup by command input (User setup): |
   *        |   (11) Display ON set: "AFH"                  |
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *                                |

  sh1106_set_display_state(send8_cmd, SH1106_OLED_ON);

   *                                |
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *        | Typically, 150ms delay is recommended to wait.|
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *                                |
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *        | Function setup by command input (User setup): |
   *        |    (4) Display Start Line set                 |
   *        |   (12) Page Address set                       |
   *        |   (1, 2) Column Address set                   |
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *                                |

  sh1106_set_display_start_line(send8_cmd, 0);
  sh1106_set_page_address(send8_cmd, 0);
  sh1106_set_column_address(send8_cmd, 0);

   *                                |
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+
   *        |               Display Data Send               |
   *        +-----------------------+-----------------------+

// ...

static void sh1106_spi_send8_cmd(uint8_t cmd) {
  gpio_clear(..., ...); // The data/command control pad
  spi_send8(SH1106_SPI, cmd);

static void sh1106_spi_send8_data(uint8_t data) {
  gpio_set(..., ...); // The data/command control pad
  spi_send8(SH1106_SPI, data);

int main(void) {
  // ...
  // ...


Specifies column address of display RAM. When the microprocessor repeats to access to the display RAM, the column address counter is incremented during each access until address 132 is accessed. The page address is not changed during this time.

void sh1106_set_column_address(const sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd, uint8_t column_addr);

Specifies output voltage (Vpp) of the internal charger pump.

void sh1106_set_pump_voltage(const sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd, enum sh1106_pump_voltage pump_voltage);

Specifies line address to determine the initial display line or COM0. The RAM display data becomes the top line of OLED screen. It is followed by the higher number of lines in ascending order, corresponding to the duty cycle. When this command changes the line address, the smooth scrolling or page change takes place.

void sh1106_set_display_start_line(const sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd, uint8_t line_addr);

This command is to set contrast setting of the display. The chip has 256 contrast steps from 0x00 to 0xFF. The segment output current increases as the contrast step value increases. Segment output current setting:

ISEG = contrast_step / 256 * IREF * scale_factor = contrast_step / 256 * 10 * 32
void sh1106_set_contrast_control_register(const sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd, uint8_t contrast);

Change the relationship between RAM column address and segment driver. The order of segment driver output pads can be reversed by software. This allows flexible IC layout during OLED module assembly. When display data is written or read, the column address is incremented by 1.

void sh1106_set_segment_re_map(const sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd, enum sh1106_segment_re_map_direction segment_re_map_direction);

Forcibly turns the entire display on regardless of the contents of the display data RAM. At this time, the contents of the display data RAM are held. This command has priority over the normal/reverse display command.

void sh1106_set_display_state(const sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd, enum sh1106_display_state display_state);

Alternatively turns the display ON and OFF. When the display OFF command is executed, power saver mode will be entered.

void sh1106_set_display_state(const sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd, enum sh1106_display_state display_state);

Reverses the display ON/OFF status without rewriting the contents of the display data RAM.

void sh1106_set_display_direction(const sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd, enum sh1106_display_direction display_direction);

This command switches default 64 multiplex modes to any multiplex ratio from 1 to 64. The output pads COM0-COM63 will be switched to corresponding common signal.

void sh1106_set_multiplex_ration(const sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd, uint8_t multiplex_ratio);

This command is to control the DC-DC voltage converter. The converter will be turned on by issuing this command then display ON command. The panel display must be OFF while issuing this command.

0 0 Sleep mode
0 1 External VPP must be used
1 0 Sleep mode
1 1 Built-in DC-DC is used, Normal Display
void sh1106_set_dc_dc_mode(const sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd, enum sh1106_dc_dc_mode dc_dc_mode);

Specifies page address to load display RAM data to page address register. Any RAM data bit can be accessed when its page address and column address are specified. The display remains unchanged even when the page address is changed.

void sh1106_set_page_address(const sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd, uint8_t page_addr);

This command sets the scan direction of the common output allowing layout flexibility in OLED module design. In addition, the display will have immediate effect once this command is issued. That is, if this command is sent during normal display, the graphic display will be vertically flipped.

void sh1106_set_common_output_scan_direction(const sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd, enum sh1106_common_output_scan_direction common_output_scan_direction);

This command specifies the mapping of display start line to one of COM0-63 (it is assumed that COM0 is the display start line, that equals to 0). For example, to move the COM16 towards the COM0 direction for 16 lines, the 6-bit data in the second byte should be given by 0b010000. To move in the opposite direction by 16 lines, the 6-bit data should be given by (64-16), so the second byte should be 0b100000.

void sh1106_set_display_offset(const sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd, uint8_t display_offset);

This command is used to set the frequency of the internal display clocks (DCLKs). It is defined as the divide ratio (value from 1 to 16) used to divide the oscillator frequency. POR is 1. Frame frequency is determined by divide ratio, number of display clocks per row, MUX ratio and oscillator frequency.

void sh1106_set_display_clock_divide_ratio_oscillator_frequency(const sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd, uint8_t clock_divide_ration, enum sh1106_oscillator_frequency oscillator_frequency);

This command is used to set the duration of the pre-charge period. The interval is counted in number of DCLK. POR is 2 DCLKs.

void sh1106_set_dis_charge_pre_charge_period(const sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd, uint8_t pre_charge_period, uint8_t dis_charge_period);

This command is to set the common signals pad configuration (sequential or alternative) to match the OLED panel hardware layout.


COM31,30 - 1,0 SEG0,1 - 130,131 COM32,33 - 62,63

Alternative (POR):

COM62,60 - 2,0 SEG0,1 - 130,131 COM1,3 - 61,63
void sh1106_set_common_pads_hardware_configuration(const sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd, enum sh1106_common_signals_pad_configuration common_signals_pad_configuration);

This command is to set the common pad output voltage level at deselect stage.

deselect_level β deselect_level β
0x00 0.430 0x20 0.63528
0x01 0.43642 0x21 0.6417
0x02 0.44283 0x22 0.64811
0x03 0.44925 0x23 0.65453
0x04 0.45566 0x24 0.66094
0x05 0.46208 0x25 0.66735
0x06 0.46849 0x26 0.67377
0x07 0.47491 0x27 0.68019
0x08 0.48132 0x28 0.6866
0x09 0.48774 0x29 0.69302
0x0A 0.49415 0x2A 0.69943
0x0B 0.50057 0x2B 0.70585
0x0C 0.50698 0x2C 0.71226
0x0D 0.5134 0x2D 0.71868
0x0E 0.51981 0x2E 0.72509
0x0F 0.52623 0x2F 0.73151
0x10 0.53264 0x30 0.73791
0x11 0.53906 0x31 0.74434
0x12 0.54547 0x32 0.75075
0x13 0.55189 0x33 0.75717
0x14 0.5583 0x34 0.76358
0x15 0.56472 0x35 0.770 (POR)
0x16 0.57113 0x36 0.77641
0x17 0.57755 0x37 0.78283
0x18 0.58396 0x38 0.78924
0x19 0.59038 0x39 0.79566
0x1A 0.59679 0x3A 0.80207
0x1B 0.60321 0x3B 0.80848
0x1C 0.60962 0x3C 0.8149
0x1D 0.61604 0x3D 0.82132
0x1E 0.62245 0x3E 0.82773
0x1F 0.62887 0x3F 0.83415
0x40 - 0xFF 1
Vcom = β * Vref = (0.430 + deselect_level * 0.006415) * Vref
void sh1106_set_vcom_deselect_level(const sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd, uint8_t deselect_level);

A pair of Read-Modify-Write and End commands must always be used. Once read-modify-write is issued, column address is not incremental by read display data command but incremental by write display data command only. It continues until End command is issued. When the End is issued, column address returns to the address when read-modify-write is issued. This can reduce the microprocessor load when data of a specific display area is repeatedly changed during cursor blinking or others.

void sh1106_read_modify_write(const sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd);

Cancels Read-Modify-Write mode and returns column address to the original address (when Read-Modify-Write is issued).

void sh1106_end(const sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd);

Non-Operation Command.

void sh1106_nop(const sh1106_send8_cmd_t send8_cmd);

Write 8-bit data in display RAM. As the column address is incremental by 1 automatically after each write, the microprocessor can continue to write data of multiple words.

void sh1106_write_display_data(const sh1106_send8_data_t send8_data, uint8_t data);
// todo
// todo

See Also


Copyright (C) 2018 Ivan Dyachenko vandyachen@gmail.com

This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.