Web app to play Pong online against other players: challenges, ranking, ladder, different game modes and power ups.
Chat rooms with persistence, private messages, friends, etc.
Websockets for game and chat, login with Oauth2, user privilege management, 2FA with QR via mobile app.
A set of dockerized applications to serve at localhost:80
- Front end: Angular + Bootstrap
- Back end: NestJS + TypeORM + Socket.io
- Database: PostgreSQL
- Web server: nginx
Adminer: available as a separated container to ease database administration and review
Makefile: shortcuts for deployment and running, docker-related operations, delete npm packages, etc.
Public and private channels.
Private messages between users.
Block another user.
Privileges: owner, admins, users and banned. These privileges affect to each channel, but aren't related to website privileges.
Channel management: moderate channel, silence user, set channel password, kick user and change privileges of user
Pong multiplayer online with different modes.
Vs computer: practice against the computer
Normal challenge: users can send a game proposals to other users
Matchmaking list: join a waitlist to play a Normal challenge against another connected user
Fun mode: waitlist to play a Fun challenge, 3 powers are randomly given to each player
Ladder: ELO is calculated after each Normal challenge.
User achievements
Broadcast all live games: all connected users can watch all live games real time
Disconnection handling: in case of disconnection, game is paused and disconnected user has a few seconds to return to the game.
Replay: after each game, users are asked to play again.
Login with 42's Oauth2
Real time status: online, offline or playing
Block users, add/remove friends
Nick change: users can change they nick, as long as it is unique, and the changes are spread to the rest of the users via socket.
Avatar: users can pick a predefined avatar or upload a custom image (png or jpeg)
2FA: users can set up two-factor authentication through a QR. A phone code generator app such as Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator is required.
When users are banned from website, they are inmediately disconnected, their token is blacklisted and further logins are forbidden.
When user privileges are changed, they are inmediately disconnected, their token is blacklisted and are required to login again.
Uploaded files: only jpg and png are allowed. Revision is done not only by file extension of the file but also by checking the file signatures in header.
Endpoints highly protected to prevent common vulnerabilities such as Broken Authentication, Broken Access Control, Broken Object Property, Broken Function, etc.
Furthermore, database is protected against Injection Attacks, all forms are validated in front and backend, and CORS is activated.
There is one web owner who has all the privileges. Besides, the web admins are chosen by the owner. Both web owner and web admins can perform these actions:
Give and remove admin privileges to other users
Ban other users from website (except owner)
See all the messages from all the channels without joining them, including private ones.
Destroy channels
Change user privileges in a channel: change owner, add/remove admins, kick and silence users