
A simple Vue MPA example

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Building a MPA application

Setup is pretty easy. The main part is in vue.config.js, which is where you will write the guidelines for Vue to compile the application as a multi-page application.

Here, I take the example of separating folders into:

  • assets: any extra files
  • components: .vue components
  • pages: set of directories with the pair page.vue and page.js, where page.vue would be the view of the page you want to create and page.js the JS instructions for this page.

Note that if you do a standard installation of CLI VueJS, there will be the pair App.vue and main.js. The set of pages I mentioned above, is exactly this pair, repeating itself for each new page you need - including here, I still keep those names.

As I mentioned above, the entire configuration is actually found in vue.config.js, in the pages property.

This is where you will register all pages and their data:

  • entry: main JS file (aka main.js)
  • template: template that this page will use. Here, you can feel free to explore multiple templates and connect them at will to your pages.
  • title: the title / name of this page
  • chunks: if you want to name this page

After that, everything is exactly like the normal CLI, and can be customized at will.


I would like to take this space to explain some points:

  • I am not an expert or experienced in programming or VueJS
  • It turns out that I needed to develop an application using the concept of multi-page, but I found myself lost in the official explanation on the VueJS website
  • I also didn't find good references on the internet or on StackOverflow, about how to really configure this application
  • After some time reading and trying, I was finally able to configure - although it is nothing really abnormal
  • So, when I came across the question on StackOverflow, asking the same question that I had, I understood that it would be cool to provide an answer as I would have liked to find back there
  • And this is what this repository is: a very practical answer on how to configure multi-page in VueJS

Project setup


npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your tests

npm run test

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See 'Configuration Reference' on VueJS CLI Official Website.