
Utility Library for handling JSONPath and navigating JSON structures

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Utility Library for working with JSON Path.


Add the following to your :deps map in your deps.edn file:

com.yetanalytics/pathetic {:mvn/version "0.5.0"}


Any JSON data that has been converted to EDN with string keys is accepted. Since at Yet Analytics we largely work with xAPI Statements, we will be using those as our JSON examples. The following JSON example was excised and parsed from the xAPI Statement at dev-resources/pathetic/data/long.json.

    "id" "6690e6c9-3ef0-4ed3-8b37-7f3964730bee"
    "result" {
        "success" true
        "completion" true
    "context" {
        "contextActivities" {
            "category" [
                    "id" "http://www.example.com/meetings/categories/teammeeting"

Within this README, the example will be referred to as stmt.

Core usage

The core functions of the Pathetic API are found in the namespace com.yetanalytics.pathetic. Most functions take an optional opts-map argument; common fields in opts-map include:

Argument Description
:first? Parse or apply only the first path, if the JSONPath string contains multiple paths separated by the `
:strict? Disallows recursive descent, array slicing, and negative indices. This makes JSONPath strings conform to xAPI Profile spec requirements. Default false.
:return-missing? Return paths and/or values at locations not found in the JSONPath object. Missing values are returned as nil. Default false.
:return-duplicates? Return duplicate values from a JSONPath object. Default true.
:prune-empty? Remove empty collections and values from a JSONPath object after having values excised. Default false.
:wildcard-append? Dictates if wildcard paths or values should be appended to the end of existing collections instead of overwriting existing values. Default false.
:wildcard-limit? Dictates how many wildcard paths should be generated. In overwrite mode, defaults to the length of each coll encountered. In append mode, the default depends on the function (either 1 or, for apply-multi-value, the number of values).

Each function has two versions: a regular and a starred version. The regular versions accept JSONPath strings, while the starred versions accept paths parsed using the parse or parse-first functions in the pathetic.parse namespace. This is useful in performance-critical situations. The starred versions do not accept :first? or :strict? as opts-map fields.


Parse a JSONPath string. Each parsed path is a vector with the following entries:

Path Element Description
'.. Recursive descent operator symbol
'* Wildcard operator symbol
[...] Vector of strings (keys), integers (array indices), or maps (array slicing operations).

Supported opts-map arguments: :first? and :strict?

(parse-paths stmt "$.context.contextActivities.grouping[*]")
=> [[["context"] ["contextActivities"] ["grouping"] '*]]

(parse-paths stmt "$.id | $.timestamp")
=> [[["id"]] [["timestamp"]]]

(parse-paths stmt "$.id | $.timestamp" {:first? true})
=> [[["id"]]]


Given json and a JSONPath string paths, return a vector of definite key paths. Each key path is a vector of strings (keys) or integers (array indices); non-deterministic path entries like recursive descent and wildcards are removed. If the string contains multiple JSONPaths, the key paths for all strings are returned.

Supported opts-map arguments: :first?, :strict?, and :return-missing?

(get-paths stmt "$.context.contextActivities.category[*].id")
=> [["context" "contextActivities" "category" 0 "id"]]

(get-paths stmt "$.context.contextActivities.grouping[*]")
=> []

(get-paths stmt "$.context.contextActivities.grouping[*]" {:return-missing? true})
=> [["context" "contextActivities" "grouping"]]


Given json and a JSONPath string paths, return a vector of JSON values. If the string contains multiple JSONPaths, we return the union of all these values.

Supported opts-map arguments: :first?, :strict?, :return-missing?, and :return-duplicates?

(get-values stmt "$.id")
=> ["6690e6c9-3ef0-4ed3-8b37-7f3964730bee"]

(get-values stmt "$.result.score")
=> []

(get-values stmt "$.result.score" {:return-missing? true})
=> [nil]

(get-values stmt "$.result['success','completion']")
=> [true true]

(get-values stmt "$.result['success','completion']" {:return-duplicates? false})
=> [true]


Given json and a JSONPath string paths, return a map associating JSON paths to JSON values. Does not return duplicates.

Supported opts-map arguments: :first?, :strict?, and :return-missing?

(get-path-value-map stmt "$.context.contextActivities.category[*].id")
=> {["context" "contextActivities" "category" 0 "id"]


Given json and a JSONPath string paths, return a vector of maps that represent the key path into the JSON value. If the string contains multiple JSONPaths, we return the maps for all strings. If no value exists at the selection, return a truncated map with {} as the innermost possible value.

Supported opts-map arguments: :first? and :strict?

(select-keys-at stmt "$.id")
=> {"id" "6690e6c9-3ef0-4ed3-8b37-7f3964730bee"}

(select-keys-at stmt "$.context.contextActivities.category[*].id")
=> {"context"
      [{"id" "http://www.example.com/meetings/categories/teammeeting"}]}}}

(select-keys-at stmt "$.context.contextActivities.category[*].foo")
=> {"context" {"contextActivities" {"category" [{}]}}}


Given json and a JSONPath string paths, return the JSON value with the elements at the location removed.

Supported opts-map arguments: :first?, :strict?, and prune-empty?

(= (dissoc stmt "id")
   (excise stmt "$.id"))

(= (update-in long-statement
              ["context" "contextActivities" "category" 0]
   (p/excise long-statement


Given json and a JSONPath string paths, return a vector of definite key paths, just like get-paths. However, unlike get-paths, paths will be enumerated even if the corresponding value does not exist in json on that path; in other words, it speculates what paths would exist if they are applied. If the string contains multiple JSONPaths, we return the key paths for all strings.

Supported opts-map arguments: :first?, :wildcard-append?, and :wildcard-limit?; :strict is always set to true.

(speculate-paths stmt "$.context.contextActivities.grouping[*]")
=> [["context" "contextActivities" "grouping" 0]]

(speculate-paths stmt "$.context.contextActivities.category[*].id")
=> [["context" "contextActivities" "category" 1 "id"]]

(speculate-paths stmt
                 {:wildcard-limit 2})
=> [["context" "contextActivities" "category" 1 "id"]
    ["context" "contextActivities" "category" 2 "id"]]

(speculate-paths stmt
                 {:wildcard-append? false})
=> [["context" "contextActivities" "category" 0 "id"]]


Given json, a JSONPath string paths, and the JSON data value, apply value to the location given by paths If the location exists, update the pre-existing value. Otherwise, create the necessary data structures needed to contain value.

Supported opts-map arguments: :first?, :wildcard-append?, and :wildcard-limit?; :strict is always set to true.

(= (assoc-in
    ["context" "contextActivities" "category" 0 "id"]
   (apply-value stmt

(= (update-in
    ["context" "contextActivities" "category"]
    (conj old
          {"id" "http://www.example.com/meetings/categories/brainstorm_sesh"}))
   (apply-value stmt
                {:wildcard-append? true}))


"Given json, a JSONPath string paths, and a collection of JSON data values, apply values to the location given by paths in the order they are given. If the location exists, update the pre-existing value. Otherwise, create the necessary data structures needed to contain value.

For example, an array specified by [0,1] in the path, then the first and second elements of value will be applied. Returns the modified json once values or the available path sequences run out.

Supported opts-map arguments: :first?, :wildcard-append?, and :wildcard-limit?; :strict is always set to true.

(= (-> stmt
       (assoc-in ["context" "contextActivities" "category" 0 "id"]
       (assoc-in ["context" "contextActivities" "category" 1 "id"]
   (apply-multi-value stmt

(= (update-in
    ["context" "contextActivities" "category"]
    (conj old
          {"id" "http://www.example.com/meetings/categories/brainstorm_sesh"})
          {"id" "http://www.example.com/meetings/categories/whiteboard_sesh"})
   (apply-multi-value stmt
                      {:wildcard-append? true}))

Other usage

Useful functions can be found in other namespaces.


Given a JSONPath string, parse it into data. Returns a vector of parsed paths, or the first error map if one or more paths are invalid.

(parse "$.foo | $.*.bar")
=> [[["foo"]] [* ["bar"]]]


Same as parse, but returns the first parsed JSONPath (that would be separated by the | character), or nil if the paths are invalid.

(parse "$.foo | $.*.bar")
=> [["foo"]]


Stringify a parsed path back into a JSONPath string.

(path->string [* ["books"]])
=> "$[*]['books']"


Given a JSON object and a parsed JSONPath, return a seq of maps with the following fields:

  • :json: The JSON value at the JSONPath location.
  • :path: The definite JSONPath that was traversed.
  • :fail: If the JSONPath traversal failed due to missing keys or indices


Similar to path-seqs, except it continues traversing the path even if the location in the JSON data is missing or incompatible. Returns the same fields as path-seqs except for :fail. Accepts wildcard-append? and wildcard-limit arguments; the latter is nilable.


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Distributed under the Apache License version 2.0.