Enthusiastic developer delving into AI/ML (Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning) with a strong focus on data science
yethu-KL29's Following
- 13X02@Straw-x-Hats
- 8G6Accomdemy
- accateo
- AdamKahoe
- ait-79iMorocco
- Ajasmhdn
- Ammon21
- Daemonlitedaemonlite
- davisbugDavis Bug
- fargutoArgentina
- gautamkrishnarRed Hat
- Gopika3443
- grgalassiLisboa, Portugal
- GUchechiAbuja, Nigeria
- Hasitha-Lakshan404Bandaragama, Sri Lanka
- hezronkimutaiTheHKGroup
- IHRD-Policing-Project
- JoelMathewVKerala, India
- JonatasFonteleProcuradoria Geral do Estado do Ceará
- KJSarath11
- Mohit807401
- Najmunniza
- riversdinizCI&T
- RootX22
- saidmtanzaniaFreelance
- saniloniloVilesoft
- ShubhamShete2002Government College Of Engineering,Karunagapally
- SreeHari2003google
- SumayyaSulaiman
- testevgen
- vanshitatwr620
- victor-rayanBrasília, Brazil.
- VitorHugoFreireFrancoGoncalesComlurb - Tijuca
- Wesley-BrenoRecife - Pe
- whitney333Mishkan Ltd.
- zinotrustSelf Employed