Lesson 2.4: Loops

➰ for loops

  • For loops are used to repeat code based on a set of parameters.
  • They are useful for iterating over array elements.
  • Key components of a for loop:
    • Initialization: Sets the loop counter.
    • Condition: Specifies how many times the loop runs.
    • Afterthought: Executes after each loop iteration.


for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

➿ forEach loops

  • forEach loops allow you to execute the same code for each element in an array.
  • They are simpler to use compared to for loops.
  • Syntax: arr.forEach(function(element) { /* code to execute */ });


let fruits = ["peach", "apple", "lemon"];
fruits.forEach(function(fruit) {
  console.log(`Yummmmmmm, ${fruit}!`);

Which Loop to Use?

  • Use for loops for precise conditions and more flexibility.
  • Use forEach loops for straightforward iteration through the entire array.
  • The choice depends on your specific needs and personal preference.

Other Types of Loops

  • There are more types of loops, such as for of, for in, while, and do...while. Explore these options as well.

Enjoy learning about loops, and don't hesitate to ask for support if needed! 😊