
Artificial Intelligence Course Assignment

Primary LanguagePython

Artificial Intelligence Course Assignment  

Each csv file contains sequence of observations corresponding to a manipulation execution.

A single observation (row) contains following features

1475507326.11996	16	4	0	0	0	1	52.1467437744	-10.7773675919	-31.8005905151	25.1650333405	30.3924064636	-28.0637645721	-23.7455692291	29.8821315765	19.062456131	-22.6571216583	-4.6317543983	24.4314479828	1

timestamp: 1475507326.11996
framecount: 16 
class: 4 
class-one-hot: 0	0	0	1
raw-mfcc: 52.1467437744	-10.7773675919	-31.8005905151	25.1650333405	30.3924064636	-28.0637645721	-23.7455692291	29.8821315765	19.062456131	-22.6571216583	-4.6317543983	24.4314479828
raw-duration: 1