OpenWRT dist

Openwrt Build Bot

Build with GitHub Action Workflow weekly.

This project is only for OpenWRT routers. Currently it's based on snapshot and 23.05.0-rc3.

You may want original project here.

Openwrt Package Builder


Step 1

First, Add the public key which is paired with private key key-build for building.

opkg-key add

Step 2

Fetch you arch of openwrt and update the link below:

src/gz icyleaf{{target}}/packages/{{arch}}

For example, if you want to use snapshot target with x86_64 arch packages and you got the branch name as snapshot/packages/x86/64, You could use this line after the previous step.

echo "src/gz icyleaf" >> /etc/opkg/customfeeds.conf

Then install whatever you want.

opkg update
opkg install treafik
opkg install vector

For more detail please check the manifest.

You can also search and install them in LuCI or upload these downloaded files to your router with SCP/SFTP, then login to your router and use opkg to install these ipk files.

Openwrt Image Builder

Build configurable images with ImageBuilder after the SDK finished building packages. The images are stored in the device named branches, like image/generic.x86_64

Reference for installation

Build it yourself

Check here

You need to make a fork and chage items in the matrix yourself to match your needs. If you need to keep your packages safe, please use usign to regenerate private key and make the repo private.
