VINO Is Not ORM. Yes, it's true, it's not ORM.
A quick view with Vino:
# setup # db = Vino('engine://user:passwd@host:port/database') db = Vino('sqlite://db.sqlite') # query db.table('user').find(username='lepture').fetch() # create db.table('user').create(username='lepture', website='') db.commit() # update db.table('user').find(username='lepture').update(username='Hsiaoming Yang') db.commit() # delete db.table('user').find(username='lepture').delete() db.commit()
We will only support sqlite3 and mysql by now.
SQLite with relative path:
db = Vino('sqlite://relative/path/db.sqlite')
SQLite with absolute path:
db = Vino('sqlite:///root/path/db.sqlite')
Please note, it's different from SQLAlchemy.
MySQL with all information:
db = Vino('mysql://lepture:123456@localhost:3306/test')
MySQL with less information:
db = Vino('mysql://lepture@localhost/test')
Default port is 3306.
Please note, it's utf8 by default.
Find all data:
Find all specified data:
Find the first data:
# fetch 1 will not return a list db.table('user').find(username='lepture').fetch(1)
Limit on query:
db.table('user').find(username='lepture').fetch(5, offset=3)
Multiple filters:
db.table('user').find(username='lepture', age=20).fetch()
Advanced filters:
# just like Django db.table('user').find(age__in=[20, 22]).fetch() db.table('user').find(age__gt=20).fetch() db.table('user').find(age__lt=20).fetch() db.table('user').find(age__gte=20).fetch() db.table('user').find(age__lte=20).fetch() # more see documentation
More Advanced filters:
db.table('user').find(age__ne=20).fetch() # not equal db.table('user').find(age__nin=[20, 22]).fetch() # not in # more see documentation
Query order:
Delete all data:
db.table('user').delete() db.commit()
Delete specified data:
db.table('user').find(username='lepture').delete() db.commit()
Describe a table:
db.table('user').describe() # return { "items": { "id": { "type": "int", "default": None, }, "username": { "type": "string", "length": 50, "default": "Guest", }, "email": { "type": "string", "length": 200, "default": None, } }, "index": [ "username", ], "primary": "id", }
How do I join tables?
Vino provides clean and simple API, you should join tables yourself with