
client for fiware orion context broker

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Brokoli is a client for Orion Context Broker It uses Orion Context Broker as data storage and works around it's stupid design decisions.


npm install brokoli


var brokoli = require("brokoli");

var client = brokoli({
	url: "http://user:password@localhost:1026/v1/",
	auth_token: ""

// create an entity
client.save(1, {
	bla: "fasel", 
	blub: 1,
	foo: "bar <= baz"
}, function(err, result){
	if (err) return console.log(err);



Create an instance of brokoli. Opts may contain

	"url": "",  // base url of orion context broker
	"auth_token": "<auth token>",         // auth token, if needed
	"type": "whatever",                   // global entity type
	"strictssl": true                     // obey/ignore ssl warnings

brokoli.save(id, data, fn(err, result))

Save an entity. id is an identifier, data is a key/value object.

brokoli.delete(id, fn(err))

Delete an entity by id.

brokoli.get(id, fn(err, entity))

Get an entity by id:

	"id": "<id>",
	"data": {
		"foo": "bar",
		"bla": "fasel",
		"blub": 1

brokoli.fetch(fn(err, entities))

Retrieve all entities:

	"id": "<id>",
	"data": {
		"foo": "bar",
		"bla": "fasel",
		"blub": 1