
a cache of least recently used files

Primary LanguageJavaScript

lru files

A file cache inspired by lru-cache. Least recently used files are deleted. It's helpful if your filesystem uses atime. Everything is written to files and nothing is kept in-memory.


npm install lru-files


var lrufiles = require("lru-files");

var cache = new lrufiles({
	files: 100,       // maximum number of files
	size: "1 GB",     // maximum total file size
	age: "1 Day",     // maximum last file access
	check: "1 Hour",  // interval of checks
	persist: "1 Hour" // keep access statistics in a file, save in regular intervals

// add a file to cache. you can submit a buffer...
cache.add("filename.ext", new Buffer("data"), function(err){});

// ... readable stream ...
cache.add("otherfile.ext", fs.createReadableStream("/some/filename.ext"), function(err){});

// ... or object
cache.add("objectfile.json", {hello: "world"}, function(err){});

// get a file from cache
cache.get("somefile.ext", function(err, buffer){
	// calls back with a buffer

// get a readable stream to a cached file, straight...

// ... or via callbacl
cache.stream("anyfile.ext" function(err, stream){

// check if a file is cached
cache.check("filename.ext", function(exists){
	// whatever

// update a files access time
cache.touch("file/changed.txt", function(err){ });

// remove a file from cache
cache.remove("file/changed.txt", function(err){ });

// manually remove old files

// empty everything


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