An AI chatbot framework using VNTK and written in Nodejs.
This is a part of project An open platform for experiment and training Vietnamese chatbot!
Notice: Before start chatbot as a service, you need restore initial database, using mogodb in the corresponding way.
- Import demo database, using mongodb (you have installed before):
mongorestore --drop --db=yeu-ai --dir=dump/yeu-ai/
If you need to backup an old version before restore, then:
mongodump --db yeu-ai
- Clone repository & Install dependencies
git clone cd rivebot-ce npm install
- Run chatbot and open on your browser
npm start
Finally navigate to http://localhost:3000/ to see project in action.
- Docker: Install Docker
- Compose: Install Docker Compose
> git clone
> cd rivebot-ce
# build & start chatbot as a service
> docker-compose build
> docker-compose up -d
# import database
> docker exec -it mongodb bash
> mongorestore --drop --db=yeu-ai --dir=dump/yeu-ai/
# check logs
> docker logs chatbot -f
We have ability to create a chatbot easily with Nodejs by using kites cli from NPM (look like a chatbot factory):
- Install kites cli:
npm install -g @kites/cli
- Create a chatbot:
kites init my-chatbot --template chatbot
The rest you need to do is configure database and start application! Read more kites document
- vntk - Vietnamese NLP Toolkit for Node
- crfsuite - Nodejs binding for crfsuite
- fasttext - Nodejs binding for fasttext
- CRFSuite documentation
- Facebook fastText
Pull requests and stars are highly welcome.
For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.