[AAAI2024] FontDiffuser: One-Shot Font Generation via Denoising Diffusion with Multi-Scale Content Aggregation and Style Contrastive Learning
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#64 opened by inferioronly - 0
#63 opened by lgssnow - 4
About the color of background
#62 opened by Hryxyhe - 1
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Clarification on character used for style image during sampling in your experiments
#60 opened by tyuukau - 1
#48 opened by zhichaoliu000 - 1
#58 opened by czkno1 - 0
#59 opened by Outlanderll - 3
does it support few-shot?
#49 opened by jackwolfey - 5
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SCR pre-training script release timeline?
#55 opened by AlienKevin - 2
#46 opened by xhz-txdy - 2
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src/modules/style_encoder.py中, 名为style_encoder_textedit_addskip_arch的函数报错, 导致训练阶段1无法开始
#57 opened by l257737602 - 0
#56 opened by l257737602 - 2
About InstructPix2Pix
#54 opened by Mactor2018 - 4
training about the english letters
#53 opened by mwsunshine - 7
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Regarding the problem that the style transformation effect of English characters is relatively poor.
#36 opened by XieJinYan1127 - 2
How to increase the training image size to 256 instead of the definite 96 ?
#42 opened by zhangzhenhuazju - 1
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#47 opened by yuyukuy534 - 1
Request for Korean font pre-trained checkpoints
#44 opened by kaen249 - 1
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Hello, I am very interested in your research after reading your paper. But I have a confusion about the second stage of training.
#39 opened by jingmingtao - 1
about training time
#28 opened by ChenSiyi1 - 4
when phase 2 release train scripts??
#23 opened by Johnson-yue - 2
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when ”Combined with InstructPix2Pix “ releasing ?
#29 opened by shiyongde - 1
#27 opened by yang-chenyu104 - 6
Question about the resolution.
#26 opened by haooxia