
Play1c: reusable, hackable starter project for iOS and Android native apps

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Play1c: reusable, hackable starter project for iOS and Android native apps

Quick Start

Quick Start – The Short Version

Make sure you have Android NDK installed and ndk-build available. The NDK needs to be in the PATH.

git clone https://github.com/yevgenyk/Play1c.git

iOS and OS X cd ios-search ios-search.xcodeproj is the iOS project, it should just work

cd app/src/main/jni tests.xcodeproj is the OS X unit test, set up a new scheme, and point working directory to tests subfolder

Android 1) cd app/src/main/jni in terminal, run ndk-build which will build the native shared libraries used by the android app

cd app in terminal, run ./gradlew assembleDebug

Optionally enable buildNative command line building by providing a full path to ndk-build inside app’s build.gradle

Less Quick Start (with pictures)



