
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Battleship: A game to show the power of direct feedback in Scrum


Read the blogpost at zilverline.com


double click on index.html in the public folder. User friendly ! :)
Or go to http://zilverline.github.com/battleship/

Usage Examples

General: 'Shots per iteration' is how many shots you need to do before the game tells you what are hits and what is a miss (Feedback).

The game ends when:
		- 'Total shot remaining' is zero OR
		- You have sunk all ships

A ship is sunk when you have hit all the squares of a ship, this is also the time when you recieve
money for sinking the ship ('see' a ship as software and you only get revenue with finished software).


Tests are made in Jasmine and Capybara.

Run all tests:

rspec spec


Copyright (c) 2012 Zilverline / Daniël van Hoesel, Bob Forma, Mark Suurmond.