Filter Functions for Formatting and Processing Data

This npm package provides a set of convenient filter functions for formatting and processing data. You can use these functions to format file names, file sizes, generate file URLs, and remove protocols from URLs.


To install this package, you can use npm or yarn:

npm i @yevhen_d/everyday-helpers
# or
yarn add @yevhen_d/everyday-helpers


Format File Name

Use the formatFileNameFilter function to format a file name by removing the file extension.

import { formatFileNameFilter } from "@yevhen_d/everyday-helpers";

const fileName = "example.txt";
const formattedName = formatFileNameFilter(fileName);
console.log(formattedName); // Output: 'example'

Format File Size

Use the formatFileSizeFilter function to format a file size in bytes into a human-readable format with appropriate suffixes.

import { formatFileSizeFilter } from "@yevhen_d/everyday-helpers";

const fileSizeInBytes = 1024; // 1 KB
const formattedSize = formatFileSizeFilter(fileSizeInBytes);
console.log(formattedSize); // Output: '1 KB'

Generate File Url

Use the generateFileUrlFilter function to generate a URL for a file object.

import { generateFileUrlFilter } from "@yevhen_d/everyday-helpers";

const file = { name: "example.jpg" };
const fileUrl = generateFileUrlFilter(file);
console.log(fileUrl); // Output: 'blob:...'

Remove Protocol from URL

Use the removeProtocolFilter function to remove the protocol (e.g., 'http:', 'https:') from a URL

import { removeProtocolFilter } from "@yevhen_d/everyday-helpers";

const url = "";
const urlWithoutProtocol = removeProtocolFilter(url);
console.log(urlWithoutProtocol); // Output: ''


This package is open-source and available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


If you encounter any issues or have questions, please create an issue in the GitHub repository.