
🐍 Hometask - Python course (Address Book System)

Primary LanguagePython

Address Book System

This is a task for practicing class-based programming. The task is to create an address book system that can store and manage contact information.


The system should consist of the following classes:

  • Field: A base class for record fields.
  • Name: A class for storing a contact's name. This field is mandatory.
  • Phone: A class for storing a phone number. It should have validation logic to ensure the number is in the correct format (10 digits).
  • Record: A class for storing information about a contact, including their name and a list of phone numbers.
  • AddressBook: A class for storing and managing records.


  • AddressBook:

    • Add records
    • Search records by name
    • Delete records by name
  • Record:

    • Add phone numbers
    • Remove phone numbers
    • Edit phone numbers
    • Search for phone numbers


You can start with the following basic code:

from collections import UserDict

class Field:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.value)

class Name(Field):
    # Implement class logic

class Phone(Field):
    # Implement class logic

class Record:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = Name(name)
        self.phones = []

    # Implement class logic

    def __str__(self):
        return f"Contact name: {self.name.value}, phones: {'; '.join(p.value for p in self.phones)}"

class AddressBook(UserDict):
    # Implement class logic

Once implemented, your code should run as follows:

# Create a new address book
book = AddressBook()

# Create a record for John
john_record = Record("John")

# Add John's record to the address book

# Create and add a new record for Jane
jane_record = Record("Jane")

# Print all records in the book
for name, record in book.data.items():

# Find and edit John's phone number
john = book.find("John")
john.edit_phone("1234567890", "1112223333")

print(john)  # Output: Contact name: John, phones: 1112223333; 5555555555

# Search for a specific phone number in John's record
found_phone = john.find_phone("5555555555")
print(f"{john.name}: {found_phone}")  # Output: 5555555555

# Delete Jane's record