
Setup of mac system for development

Primary LanguageShell

A Complete Mac Setup Tool

This repository contains an automated build out process targeting macOS.

You can have most of your tools and applications setup in a fresh install and creating a clean build with little downtime.

This project only looks to get software installed. For applications settings look at solutions like mackup or my dotfiles restore script.

How To Use

The first step is to make sure that you have captured a list of all software in your desktop. Different types of software require a slightly different approach.

For command line tools like git, node and other tools update the packages.brew.txt and packages.cask.txt files with:

brew list

From the output, copy any of the brew files (all the command line tools) to the packages.brew.txt file.

For desktop apps like Firefox, Slack and others copy the cask output to packages.cask.txt

Some desktop apps can only be installed from the app store. Use the following commands to get a list of Apple Store Apps currently installed on your computer and copy the output to packages.mas.txt

mas list

After you have captured all your command line tools and desktop apps into the appropriate text file I recommend you store it somewhere easily reachable.

I use github, it makes it easy to download an entire repository by selecting "Code -> Download Zip". Simply extract and run the setup command.

curl https://github.com/yevrah/mac-setup/archive/refs/heads/master.zip -L -o mac-setup.zip
unzip mac-setup.zip

cd mac-setup

direct download link

Security Permissions

Note, on new versions of macOS you need to give terminal permission to the disk so it can install software.

How To Test

It is recommended you test this on a VM first before depending on it for full machine recovery. A few quick iterations will ensure you have captured everything - including various settings and shortcuts you may have missed that can be added to the script.

How Does It Work

The Homebrew Workhorse

We are using brew (short for homebrew) to do all the heavy lifting, it's the defacto package manager for Mac. if your not familiar with it head over to their website. Homebrew is installed by automatically as we added the following to the install.sh:

echo "Installing HomeBrew"
if test ! $(which brew)
  ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" > /tmp/homebrew-install.log

Because we don't want to continuously reset our vm we added a quick check to see if it exists and skip or else install. This will be a common theme throughout our build out process, it also allows us to use the same script to continue to upgrade and update out machine. By doing this we in theory could do a full system reset in minimal time.

In adition the following lines are added as well, it will help keeping our machine up to date.

echo "Updating existing homebrew recpies and formulas"
brew update
brew upgrade --all

Installing packages

We are now ready to install packages. If you have an existing homebrew system you can export your packages using brew list > packages.txt. You'll probably have some items that are no longer relevant, now is the time to cleanup this list.

Note that there are a bunch of default packages listed in this repo - you may want ot change to suit your needs.

You can now simply list a bunch of home brew isntalls using the following syntax

echo "Manually installed packages"
brew install wget
brew install git
... and so on

I preferr to instead just install from the list in packages.txt, this allows me to modify my installation library without having to touch source code. We'll be using xargs to build the install commands which is already in the script:

echo "Installed from packages.txt list"
curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yevrah/mac-setup/master/packages.txt | xargs brew install

Gui Packages with Homebrew Cask

The Cask extension for Homebrew offers a way to install graphical applications such as browsers, video players, and much more. It can be isntalled simply by adding the following command to our script:

brew tap caskroom/cask

You can find packages using brew search as in the example below:

$ brew search vlc
==> Casks

Installation of packages can be done by adding brew cask install vlc as an example. But again, it's easier and nicer to just put all the applicates into an packages.cask.txt file and installing with:

echo "Installing from packages.cask.txt list"
curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yevrah/mac-setup/master/packages.cask.txt | xargs brew install

Step 5: Apple Store Packages with mas-cli

Note: As off High Sierra mas-cli has been brokern due to change in the App Store api. This issue can be tracked here: 🚏📥🙅‍♀️ Signin command disabled on macOS 10.13+ · Issue #164 · mas-cli/mas · GitHub

Unfortunately cask doesnt handle all gui apps, particularly ones from the app store. You can install this utility with brew install mas. This will give you a simple command line tool for the App Store. If you have an existing mac you can use it to get a list of existing apps

$ mas list
497799835 Xcode (10.0)
409203825 Numbers (5.2)
409183694 Keynote (8.2)

Go ahead and copy this to a file called packages.mas.txt. We're going to run it with:

echo "Installing from packages.mas.txt list"
cat packages.mas.txt | sed 's/ .*//' | xargs mas install

Notice the addition of the sed command. The mas-cli tools doesnt know what to do with the text part of the package, it only takes the identifier as input. But for the sake of maintenance we have kept the description in. The additional commands just removes the space and everything else after it before sending it through.


# Remove brew leftovers
brew cleanup
brew cask cleanup


  • Package sshfs failed due to dependancy on osx fuse (which can be installed by brew cask)
  • ffmpeg with all options: brew install ffmpeg with all options · GitHub
  • Migrate script to use brew bundle to simplify.
  • Some basic defaults. eg screenshot folder defaults write com.apple.screencapture location $HOME/Screenshots/

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