
Spider to crawl wenshu.court.gov.cn

Judgement Document Spider

Table of Contents



Use git clone git@github.com:Thesharing/court-spider.git --recursive to clone this repo into local.


Linux or Windows:

Requires Python >= 3.5, and the newest version of Anaconda 3 is better.

conda install certifi chardet idna numpy requests six urllib3 werkzeug Flask lxml python-dateutil beautifulsoup4 lxml
pip install opencv-python PyExecJS pymongo redis

* If you are using pure python, install all the packages via pip rather than conda.

* You can use virtualenv or conda create command to create an isolated environment.


If you are using Windows:

Edit path of site-packages/execjs/_external_runtime.py and replace the function _exec_with_pipe like this:

Original _exec_with_pipe :

def _exec_with_pipe(self, source):
    cmd = self._runtime._binary()
    p = None
        p = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=self._cwd, universal_newlines=True)
        input = self._compile(source)
        if six.PY2:
            input = input.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
        stdoutdata, stderrdata = p.communicate(input=input)
        ret = p.wait()
        del p

    self._fail_on_non_zero_status(ret, stdoutdata, stderrdata)
    return stdoutdata

Edited _exec_with_pipe :

def _exec_with_pipe(self, source):
    cmd = self._runtime._binary()

    p = None
        p = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=self._cwd, universal_newlines=False)
        input = self._compile(source).encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
        stdoutdata, stderrdata = p.communicate(input=input)
        ret = p.wait()
        del p

    self._fail_on_non_zero_status(ret, stdoutdata, stderrdata)
    return stdoutdata.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding())

And then the execjs library will work out fine.

* Or install PyExecJS with pip install https://github.com/Thesharing/PyExecJS.git instead of original PyExecJS.



Use Ubuntu on bash on Windows if you are using Windows 10.

Use VMWare or VirtualBox if you are using Windows 8 or 7. In VMWare you need to config port forwarding of NAT network in order to access Redis in Windows.

* You just need to run Redis in bash, other components can still run in Windows.

* Also you can install pre-compiled version for Windows referring to this page: Redis Install | Runoob

Linux or Bash on Ubuntu on Windows:

wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-4.0.11.tar.gz
tar xzf redis-4.0.11.tar.gz
rm redis-4.0.11.tar.gz
mv redis-4.0.11 redis
cd redis

Reference to install Redis



Refer to the official installation document.


Download the executable installer and run it, follow the installer guide. After finishing the installation MongoDB will start automatically.

Also refer to the official installation document.

* You can run the MongDB Compass to see if MongoDB is ready.



curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
nodejs --version


Download lastest LST version executable installer to install.

Reference to install NodeJS

New Folders

Linux or Windows:

cd spider
mkdir content data download log temp


Refer to Thesharing/proxy_pool to modify the config of Redis in proxy.

At first run, copy config.example.json as config.json and modify the configs.

Customize the spider in config.json:

  "start": {
    "date": "2017-05-11",
    "district": "北京市",
    "court": null
  "search": {
    "keyword": "*",
    "type": null,
    "reason": {
      "value": "知识产权与竞争纠纷",
      "level": 2
    "court": {
      "value": null,
      "level": 0,
      "indicator": false
    "district": null
  "condition": {
    "法院层级": null,
    "案件类型": "民事案件",
    "审判程序": null,
    "文书类型": null
  "config": {
    "max_retry": 10,
    "proxy": true,
    "timeout": 60
  "database": {
    "redis": {
      "host": "localhost",
      "port": 6379
    "mongodb": {
      "host": "localhost",
      "port": 27017,
      "database": "spider"
  "log": {
    "level": "INFO"
  "multiprocess": {
    "total": 8,
    "spider": 0,
    "downloader": 8,
    "notifier": 0
  "notifier": {
    "type": "wechat",
    "period": 10,
    "wechat": {
      "receiver": "filehelper",
      "cmd": false
    "email": {
      "sender": "aaa@bbb.ccc",
      "password": "aaabbbccc",
      "server_addr": "smtp.bbb.ccc",
      "receiver": "aaa@bbb.ccc",
      "ssl": false

If you want to resume from a breakpoint, modify start part like this:

  "start": {
    "date": "2017-05-11",
    "district": "北京市",
    "court": null
  "...": "..."



First, run Redis.

Use Ubuntu on bash on Windows if you are using Windows 10.

(In the path of Redis)


Then, run the proxy.

(In court-spider/proxy/Run)

python main.py

Access to check the status of proxy pool.

raw_proxy means unvalidated proxy, useful_proxy means validated proxy.

Change the website used to validate the proxies in Util/utilFunction.py.

Make sure the number of useful_proxy > 0, so that the spider can run with available proxies.

Finally, run the functions you need.

(In court-spider/spider)



To run spider, run the command below:

python main.py spider --date


To run downloader, run the command below:

python main.py downloader --download

Before you run the downloader, you may need to extract all the DocID from local files stored in ./temp to Redis. If you want to download docs from DocID in ./data, you need to move it from ./data to ./temp manually, and move back to ./data after reading. Then run the command below:

python main.py downloader --read

Specify config file

If you are running two o more task at the same time, you can specify different configs like this:

python main.py --config config.json

Multi-Process Mode

To enable multi-process mode, specify the multi-process config in config.json like this:

    "...": "...",
  "multiprocess": {
    "total": 8,
    "spider": 0,
    "downloader": 8,
    "notifier": 0
  "...": "..."

total is the total number of processes to run spiders and downloaders, which should be equal to the number of logic cores of the CPU on your device (you can see the number in Task Manager in Windows, or run grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo in Linux).

spider , downloader and notifier is the number of spiders and downloaders (at present multi-process spider is not supported).

Then run without none of spiser , downloader and notifier like this:

python main.py

Argument Lists

Optional arguments:

Argument name Short name Explanation
spider --district s --district Start a spider to crawl data by district
downloader --clean d --clean Delete all the data in Redis
downloader --read d --read Read content from doc-id files
downloader --download d --download Start a downloader
notifier n Start a notifier
--config [config.json] -c [config.json] Specify the filename of config
--help -h Show the help message

spider , downloaderand notifier should not be used at the same time.

Enable multi-process mode if none of spider, downloader and notifier is not used.


Run the commands below in the root folder of this project to fetch the newest updates.

git pull
git submodule update --recursive --remote

To sync commits with upstream repos, refer to this doc: Syncing a fork | Github.


If you want to commit changes to this repo, please first push the changes in the submodule, then go back to the root folder of this project and run the commands below.

git submodule update --remote
git add . 
git commit -m '<Commit Message>'
git push


  • Downloader
  • Multi-process support for Document Downloader
  • Notfier
  • Extractor [ONGOING]
  • Crawl by date
  • Multi-process support for Task Distributor and Content List Downloader





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