
Getting Started

Dependencies: node and npm.

Run 'npm install' to install all required node modules.

Run 'gulp test' to open the app from src folder on Chrome Canary.

Run 'gulp build' to build the distribution version of the app.

Run 'gulp serve' to open the local app and ngrok-hosted app from dist folder. 'gulp build' is a prerequisite for this command.

Play the Game

Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the sprite. Your sprite will drop to the ground as soon as you hit a bug or reach the water. Try to reach the water all the time. Reaching water once earns you 100 points. Picking up one gem that pops up on the screen earns you 10 points. The higher the score you achieve, the happier you should be. Once you've hit a bug three times, you'd have to start over.