The code of SSL-DG

Primary LanguagePython


SSL-DG: Rethinking and Fusing Semi-supervised Learning and Domain Generalization in Medical Image Segmentation

1. Installation

This code requires PyTorch 1.10 and python 3+. Please install dependencies by

pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Data preparation

We conduct datasets preparation following CSDG

1) Abdominal MRI
  1. Download Combined Healthy Abdominal Organ Segmentation dataset and put the /MR folder under ./data/CHAOST2/ directory

  2. Converting downloaded data (T2 SPIR) to nii files in 3D for the ease of reading.

run ./data/abdominal/CHAOST2/s1_dcm_img_to_nii.sh to convert dicom images to nifti files.

run ./data/abdominal/CHAOST2/png_gth_to_nii.ipynp to convert ground truth with png format to nifti.

  1. Pre-processing downloaded images

run ./data/abdominal/CHAOST2/s2_image_normalize.ipynb

run ./data/abdominal/CHAOST2/s3_resize_roi_reindex.ipynb

The processed dataset is stored in ./data/abdominal/CHAOST2/processed/

1) Abdominal CT
  1. Download Synapse Multi-atlas Abdominal Segmentation dataset and put the /img and /label folders under ./data/SABSCT/CT/ directory

1.Pre-processing downloaded images

run ./data/abdominal/SABS/s1_intensity_normalization.ipynb to apply abdominal window.

run ./data/abdominal/SABS/s2_remove_excessive_boundary.ipynb to remove excessive blank region.

run ./data/abdominal/SABS/s3_resample_and_roi.ipynb to do resampling and roi extraction.

The details for cardiac datasets will be given later.

The processed datasets can be found at processed datasets. Download and unzip the file where the folder structure should look this: To maintain anonymity, the detailed link will be updated later.

├── ...
├── data
│   ├── abdominal
│   │   ├── CHAOST2
│   │   │   ├── processed
│   │   ├── SABSCT
│   │   │   ├── processed
│   ├── cardiac
│   │   ├── processed
│   │   │   ├── bSSFP
│   │   │   ├── LGE
├── ...

3. Inference Using Pretrained Model

Download the pretrained model and unzip the file where the folder structure should look this: To maintain anonymity, the detailed link will be updated later.

├── ...
├── logs
│   ├── 2023-xxxx-xx-xx-xx
│   │   ├── checkpoints
│   │   │   ├── latest.pth
│   │   ├── configs
│   │   │   ├── xx.yaml
│       │── visuals 
│       │── test_visual 
├── ...
1) Example for Cross-sequence Cardiac Dataset

For direction bSSFP -> LEG with 50% annotated samples (DICE 85.87), run the command

python test.py -r logs/2023-07-31T10-47-53_seed22_efficientUnet_bSSFP_to_LEG_labelnum_0.5 

For direction LEG -> BSSFP with 20% annotated samples (DICE 83.15), run the command

test.py -r logs/2023-08-01T19-14-19_seed22_efficientUnet_LEG_to_BSSFP_labelnum_0.2

Each log contains visual results of the test images.

And more Pretrained models will be given later.

4. Training the model

To reproduce the performance, you need one 3080 GPU

1) Cross-modality Abdominal Dataset

For direction CT -> MRI, run the command

python main.py --base configs/efficientUnet_SABSCT_to_CHAOS.yaml --seed 22 --labeled_bs 0.5  --labelnum 0.1/0.2/0.5

For direction MRI -> CT, run the command

python main.py --base configs/efficientUnet_CHAOS_to_SABSCT.yaml --seed 22 --labeled_bs 0.5  --labelnum 0.1/0.2/0.5
2) Cross-sequence Cardiac Dataset

For direction bSSFP -> LEG, run the command

python main.py --base configs/efficientUnet_bSSFP_to_LEG.yaml --seed 22 --labeled_bs 0.5  --labelnum 0.1/0.2/0.5

For direction LEG -> bSSFP, run the command

python main.py --base configs/efficientUnet_LEG_to_bSSFP.yaml --seed 22 --labeled_bs 0.5  --labelnum 0.1/0.2/0.5

5. Other comments

Here, we open source the initial version of SSL-DG with the segmentation model containing two parallel networks. Later, we will further open source more versions of SSL-DG to facilitate community collaboration and advancement. Subsequent versions will include a 2D segmentation model with three parallel networks as well as 3D image segmentation applications.


Our codes are built upon CSDG, SLAug, and MC-Net, thanks for their contribution to the community and the development of researches!