A NativeScript module providing phone actions for Android and iOS.
Install the plugin using the NativeScript CLI tooling
tns plugin add nativescript-phone
To dial the phone without user interaction on Android your app must request permission to dial. To do so, add the following line to your project's AndroidManifest.xml:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE" />
You must add the following line to your project's Info.plist
To use the phone module you must first require()
it from your project's node_modules
var phone = require( "nativescript-phone" );
After you have a reference to the module you can then call the available methods.
- telNum: Phone number to dial.
- prompt: Boolean to enable OS specific confirmation before dialing.
For example, the code below dials the number without showing the device specific confirmation prompt:
// my-page.js
var phone = require( "nativescript-phone" );
- smsNum: SMS number or numbers to use.
- messageText: String to send.
For example, the code below opens the sms app for the provided number:
Send to one number (provided for backwards compatibility)
// my-page.js
var phone = require( "nativescript-phone" );
phone.sms("212-555-1234","My Message") //New Method for single number is phone.sms(["212-555-1234"],"My Message")
/// args.reponse: "success", "cancelled", "failed"
console.log("Error: " + err);
Send to multiple numbers
// my-page.js
var phone = require( "nativescript-phone" );
phone.sms(["212-555-1234","212-555-1245"],"My Message")
/// args.reponse: "success", "cancelled", "failed"
console.log("Error: " + err);