
Not peter parker, just a parker in Golang

Primary LanguageGo


Not peter parker, just a parker in Golang.

Getting Started

These instructions will guide you to know about the project and running this on your machine.


Before started, please assure that your environment follows these specs:

  • Go version 1.12+
  • Linux/Unix Machine

The folder structure in this project is based on aws-sdk-go/service directory structure. Each folder represents a package.

  • cmd folder contains handlers to handle commands given from interactive shell.
  • park folder contains the core algorithms to implement parker.
  • utils folder contains some helper functions.

Each of the folders must contain a file named errors.go which declares the error types, and another file named service.go which is the core logic of the package.


To run the app, you need to build the binary first, just run the following command

make build / make b

Now, you can run the app

make run

Or simply run this command to build and run with a single tap


After you run this, it will display an interactive shell. These are list of available commands

$ init   [cap]           initialize parker with given capacity
$ park   [reg] [color]   park a car with reg number and color
$ leave  [id]            remove a car from given slot id  	
$ get    [id]            get a car by slot id
$ search [term]          search cars by reg number / color 
$ exit                   exit 

Running the tests

To run the unit tests, run this

make test