
SSR demo for state-pool

Primary LanguageJavaScript

gh-pages Hello World example

This example shows the most basic idea behind Next. We have 2 pages: pages/index.js and pages/about.js. The former responds to / requests and the latter to /about. Using next/link you can add hyperlinks between them with universal routing capabilities.

How to use

Execute create-next-app with npm or Yarn to bootstrap the example:

npx create-next-app --example gh-pages gh-pages-app
# or
yarn create next-app --example gh-pages gh-pages-app

Deploy it to github

Edit env-config.js and replace 'Next-gh-page-example' by your project name.

Edit next.config.js and replace 'Next-gh-page-example' by your project name.

  1. Create repository.
  2. Link it to your github account.
  3. Publish your master branch.
npm run deploy

Test it:

Replace <github-user-name> and <github-project-name>



