
Flutter FormComanionPresenter

Primary LanguageDartApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Form companion presenter helps your annoying Form related coding. This project includes three packages:

  • form_companion_presenter: Core package, main modules are CompanionPresenterMixin and FormCompanionMixin. If you don't want to use Flutter FormBuilder, try use it.
  • form_builder_companion_presenter: Provides convinient implementation utilizing Flutter FormBuilder package. It is recommended package as long as you don't have any requirement for library usages (there are many form helper packages in pub.dev).
  • form_companion_generator: Helper tool running with build_runner. This tool generates typed property accessors and form field factories for presenters which are marked with @formCompanion (or parameterized @FormCompanion) annotation. This tool also provides some customize points. See ReadMe for details.


  • CompanionPresenterMixin provides "properties" of the presenter. The properties are represented as list of PropertyDescriptors, which have name , validator, etc. You can use the properties in your presenter as well as in your Widget. It enables simple unit testing of validation logics.
    • If you use it with [FormBuilder], name can be used as a value for FormBuilderField.name.
    • A validator of PropertyDescriptor can contain one or more asynchronous validators as well as one or more validators. Asynchronous validator is useful for validation logics which need to call remote APIs.
    • You can bind PropertyDescriptor to FormField with convinient methods like getPropertyValidator, getKey, or savePropertyValue.
  • Additional mixins, namely FormCompanionMixin and FormBuilderCompanionMixin connects between CompanionPresenterMixin and correspond form library.
    • FormCompanionMixin for flutter's built-in Form.
    • FormBuilderCompanionMixin for Flutter FormBuilder.
  • Auto-validation support. The companion detects autoValidateMode of Form or FormBuilder and respect it in its behaviors.
  • submit property which is suitable for onTap of buttons. submit property will be null if the Form is auto-validate mode and not all validation logics have not been completed successfully, so the button will be disabled until validations initiated by auto-validation will be completed.
  • Supports localization of validation error messages.
  • Helper tool form_companion_generator, which generates typed property accessors and form field factories for presenters which are marked with @formCompanion (or parameterized @FormCompanion) annotation. This tool also provides some customize points. See ReadMe for details.


Basic Usage

// Declare presenter for the widget which holds transitive presentation state.
// Of course, you may name it as controller or notifier if you like,
// and you can use any base class which is required by your faviorite library or framework.
class Presenter with CompanionPresenterMixin, FormCompanionMixin {
  Presenter(/* parameter to initialize state here */) {
        ..string(name: 'name')
        ..integerText(name: 'age'),

  void doSubmit() {
    final name = getSavedPropertyValue<String>('name');
    final age = getSavedPropertyValue<int>('age');
    // Put presentation layer's logic when "submit" button is tapped/clicked here.

// In your widget
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  final presenter = /* get presenter here */
  final name = presenter.getProperty<String, String>('name');
  final age = presenter.getProperty<int, String>('age');
  return Row(
    children: [
        key: presenter.getKey('name'),
        onSaved: name.savePropertyValue,
        validator: name.getValidator(context),
        key: presenter.getKey('age'),
        onSaved: age.savePropertyValue,
        validator: age.getValidator(context),
        onTap: presenter.submit(context),

I know that above code is not so simple. So, you can utilize form_companion_generator, then the above code can be following:

// Add an annotation to tell the `form_companion_generator` that
// this class should be handled.
class Presenter with CompanionPresenterMixin, FormCompanionMixin {
  Presenter(/* parameter to initialize state here */) {
        ..string(name: 'name')
        ..integerText(name: 'age'),

  void doSubmit() {
    final name = this.name.value;
    final age = this.age.value;
    // Put presentation layer's logic when "submit" button is tapped/clicked here.

// In your widget
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  final presenter = /* get presenter here */
  return Row(
    children: [
      // Auto-generated FormField factories here.
        onTap: presenter.submit(context),

See individual README.md for packages for details. We recommend to use form_builder_companion_presenter as long as you have any reason to avoid flutter_form_builder package. Also, it is highly recommended to run form_companion_generator on build_runner for your projects.


Customize Property Behavior

You can customize property behavior with PropertyDescriptorsBuilder's method parameter including:

  • A custom value converter which converts between property type in presenter logic and field type in FormField.
  • One or more validators. Validators can be synchronous or asynchronous.
    • For localization, actual parameters are validatorFactories and asyncValidatorFactories, which are list of factory functions which accept ValidatorCreationOptions and returns (async)validator function.
    name: 'myProperty',
    validatorFactories: [
      // Functions which accepts ValidatorCreationOptions, and then returns `String? Function(String?)`
      (options) => ...,
      // This is same signature for FormBuilderValidators.
    asyncValidatorFactories: [
      // Functions which accepts ValidatorCreationOptions, and then returns `Future<String?> Function(String?, AsyncValidatorOptions)`
      (options) => ...,

Using flutter_form_builder

You can utilize flutter_form_builder as helper library by mixing FormBuilderCompanionMixin instead of FormCompanionMixin. You also be able to use your preferred library by implementing custom mixin.

class Presenter with CompanionPresenterMixin, FormBuilderCompanionMixin {


AsyncValidationIndicator is helper widget to indicate asynchronous validation is in progress.

In presenter code, you specify async validator factory:

  MyPresenter() {
          name: 'someProperty'
          asyncValidatorFactories: [
            // put async validator factory here

Now, you can use AsyncValidationIndicator for someProperty as following.

            decoration: InputDecoration(
              suffix: AsyncValidationIndicator(
                presenter: presenter,
                propertyName: 'someProperty',

Work with change notification

In most cases, you want to use presenter with some state/dependency management framework, and they require that the presenter do additional work when the property value is changed. To implement it, CompanionPresenterMixin exposes onPropertiesChanged template method. You can presenter's state change there for example.

If you use ChangeNotifier, onPropertiesChanged should be following:

  void onPropertiesChanged(FormProperties newProperties) {

If you use StateNotifier of state_notifier, onPropertiesChanged should be following:

  void onPropertiesChanged(FormProperties newProperties) {
    state = newProperties;

Work with Notifier/AsyncNotifier of riverpod

Notifier and AsyncNotifier (and their subtypes) are special because they initialize themselves in build() method instead of their constructor. In addition, in most cases, they subscribe dependent state change on build() and reflect them to the presenter state. To handle such situation, you can use CompanionPresenterMixin.resetPropertiesState method, or resetProperties extension method which can be generated by form_companion_generator. As usual, form_companion_generator is recommended, so following sample shows resetProperties usage. Note that $MyPresenterFormProperties is generated typed FormProperties class by form_companion_generator, and Notifier and AsyncNotifier do not require override of onPropertiesChanged because state is set by return value of the build method.

class MyPresenter extends _$MyPresenter
  with CompanionPresenterMixin, FormBuilderCompanionMixin {

  FutureOr<$MyPresenterFormProperties> build() async {
    final savedState = await ref.watch(anotherSavedStateFutureProvider.future);
    final builder = properties.copyWith();
    // ... setup `builder` with `savedState` here ...
    return resetProperties(builder.build());

Work with provider / riverpod

If you use provider or riverpod, you can use StateNotifier (or Notifier/AsyncNotifier) and the typed FormProperties generated by form_companion_generator.

At first, run form_companion_generator and set the type (its name should be ${presenter type name}FormProperties, remember first charactor is dollar sign) as type parameter of StateNotifier (or Notifier/AsyncNotifier). You can watch state change as typed FormProperties change as well as you can call companion presenter methods from the state.

The following examples are code with riverpod, please check "Work with Notifier/AsyncNotifier of riverpod" section above, too:

class MyPresenter extends _$MyPresenter
  with CompanionPresenterMixin, FormBuilderCompanionMixin {

// in ConsumerWidget 
  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    final presenter = ref.read(myPresenterProvider.notifier);
    final state = ref.watch(myPresenterProvider);

    if (state is! AsyncData<$MyPresenterFormProperties>) {
      // loading or error state handling here...

    // actual widget building here...

Helper extensions

There are many helper extensions to define properties including string, integerText, boolean, etc. And you can specify FormField class as generic argument with extension methods end with WithField suffix.

  // String typed property suitable for String typed FormField.
  // Actual form field type depends for which companion you can use (`FormCompanionMixin` or `FormBuilderCompanionMixin`)
  ..string(name: 'name')
  // int typed property suitable for String typed FormField.
  // Actual form field type depends for which companion you can use (`FormCompanionMixin` or `FormBuilderCompanionMixin`)
  ..integerText(name: 'age')
  // If you use form_builder_companion_presenter, you can use `DateTime` (`FormBuilderDatePicker` will be used).
  // Note that you must mix `FormBuilderCompanionMixin`.
  ..dateTime(name: 'birthDay')
  // Customize form field type for enum (default is `DropdownButtonFormField` or `FormBuilderChoiceChip`)
  ..enumeratedWithField<Sex, FormBuilderChoiceChip<Sex>>(name: 'sex', enumValues: Sex.values),

State Restoration

State restoration improves form input experience because it restores inputting data for the form when the app was killed on background by mobile operating systems. Is it very frustrated if you lose inputting data during open browser to find how to fill the form fields correctly? The browser tends to use large memory, so your app could be terminated frequently.

To enable state restoration, just put FormPropertiesRestorationScope under your Form like following:

class MyForm extends ConsumerWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    final presenter = ref.read(myPresenterProvider.notifier);
    return Form(
      child: FormPropertiesRestorationScope(
        presenter: presenter,
        child: MyFormFields(),

Related packages

This project assumes that you use following packages to build your form and logic. Note that an original author of this project does not relates to these packages.

See example for example sources which utilize above packages.