Computability in Constructive Type Theory

This is the Coq mechanisation of part I of "Computability in Constructive Type Theory", the PhD thesis of Yannick Forster.

How to compile the code

You need The Coq Proof Assistant, version 8.13.2, the stdpp library, the Smpl package, the MetaCoq package and the Equations package installed.

Afterwards, you can type make.

How to install Coq

The easiest way to install Coq and required libraries is via opam (version 2).

opam switch create coq-synthetic-computability 4.07.1+flambda
eval $(opam env)
opam repo add coq-released
opam install coq.8.13.2 coq-equations.1.2.3+8.13 coq-stdpp.1.5.0 coq-metacoq-template.1.0~beta2+8.13 coq-smpl