
A Python library to perform preprocessing for a sentiment analysis task

Primary LanguagePython

A Python Library for Preprocessing

This repo contains a Python library to perform preprocessing for a sentiment analysis task with a CNN + embedding model.

Required Input: a string of raw text

Optional Inputs: maximum length of dictionary, maximum length of a tweet

Output: a list of indices

Four Main Methods:

  1. clean_text
    Remove URLs and unnecessary tokens in a tweet

  2. tokenize_text
    Convert a string into an array of tokens using TweetTonkenizer from nltk

  3. replace_token_with_index
    Replace each token by its index in the twitter GloVe embedding dictionary

  4. pad_sequence
    Pad a list of indices with 0 until a maximum length


  • preprocessor.py: code for library
  • preprocessor_test.py: code for unit testing
  • glove.twitter.27B.25d.index: twitter GloVe embedding dictionary from https://github.com/stanfordnlp/GloVe
  • .travis.yml: for Travis CI