
Primary LanguageCudaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

MLEM - Maximum Liklihood Expectation Maximization for Small PET Devices

The efficient use of multicore architectures for sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV) is currently an open challenge. One algorithm which makes use of SpMV is the maximum likelihood expectation maximization (MLEM) algorithm. When using MLEM for positron emission tomography (PET) image reconstruction, one requires a particularly large matrix. We present a new storage scheme for this type of matrix which cuts the memory requirements by half, compared to the widely-used compressed sparse row format. For parallelization we combine the two partitioning techniques recursive bisection and striping. Our results show good load balancing and cache behavior. We also give speedup measurements on various modern multicore systems.


  • Initial Verison and Algorithmic, MPI Version: Tilman Kuestner
  • LAIK Version, HPC Optimization: Josef Weidendorfer
  • LAIK Version, Measurements, HPC Optimizations: Dai Yang
  • CUDA Version, Measurements, HPC Optimizations: Apoorva Gupta
  • Generators: Thorsten Fuchs


  • libb0ost 1.58, for the iterators and program options.
  • C++ 11, GNU Compiler
  • OpenMP Support
  • CUDA Aware MPI Support
  • CUDA Support
  • libconfig++
  • LAIK Library


Different versions are supplied within this repository.

  • mlem_seq/seqcsr4mlem: Sequential implementation of the algorithm.
  • mlem_mpi/mpicsr4mlem: the native MPI Version.
  • mlem_mpi/fusedmpimlem: the native MPI version with fused version of the algorithm.
  • mlem_laik/laikcsr4mlem: the LAIK version without repartitioning support.
  • mlem_laik/laikcsr4mlem-repart: LAIK version with explicit repartitioning.
  • mlem_openmp/openmpcsr4mlem: the native OpenMP implementation
  • mlem_cuda/versions: The different CUDA implementations of the algorithm.



Generate a Sparse Matrix for Testing

Run the native MPI Version

mpirun -np <num_tasks> ./mpicsr4mlem <matrix> <input> <output> <iterations> <checkpointing>

native mpi example

mpirun -np 4 ./mpicsr4mlem test.csr4 sino65536.sino mlem-60.out 60 0

Run the LAIK Version

mpirun -np <num_tasks> ./laikcsr4mlem <matrix> <input> <output> <iterations>

LAIK example

mpirun -np 4 ./laikcsr4mlem test.csr4 sino65536.sino mlem-60.out 60 0

Run the CUDA implementation

mpirun -np <num_tasks> ./version_[1..9] <matrix> <input> <output> <iterations> <checkpointing>

native mpi example

mpirun -np 4 ./version_[1..9] test.csr4 sino65536.sino mlem-60.out 60 0

Build Flags:

  • -D_HPC_ enables the HPC optimization of this code. It uses memcpy instead of mmap to optimize NUMA operations.
  • -DMESSUNG disables default outputs and enables output for measurement for clusters.


Any publication using the MLEM code must be informed to the authors of this code, e.g. Tilman Küstner.

  • Original MLEM paper: L. A. Shepp and Y. Vardi, "Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction for Emission Tomography," in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 113-122, Oct. 1982. doi: 10.1109/TMI.1982.4307558 Link
  • "Parallel MLEM on Multicore Architectures", Tilman Küstner, Josef Weidendorfer, Jasmine Schirmer, Tobias Klug, Carsten Trinitis, Sibylle I. Ziegler. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2009, LNCS, vol. 5544, pp. 491-500, Springer, 2009. Link


This code is distributed as a open source project under GPL License Version 3. Please refer to LICENSE document.


This project is partially financed by project ENVELOPE, which is supported by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) of the Federal Republic of Germany.