
This project is a book rental website built using Node.js as the runtime environment and MongoDB as the database.

Primary LanguageCSS

Book Loan Application

GitHub License Project Version
The Node.js Book Rental project is a comprehensive web application that allows users to easily borrow books from a library. It leverages the power of Node.js as the runtime environment and MongoDB as the database, offering a seamless and efficient book rental experience.

Key Features:

User Registration and Authentication:

  • Users can register for a new account by providing their personal information.
  • A secure authentication system ensures that only registered users can access the book rental features.
  • User passwords are securely hashed and stored in the database.

User Authorization:

  • The system implements user roles, distinguishing between administrators and regular users.
  • Administrators have access to additional functionalities such as book management.
  • Regular users have access to the book rental and return features.

Book Rental and Return:

  • Users can easily rent books by selecting the desired book and specifying the rental date.
  • The system keeps track of rented books, their due dates, and the user who borrowed them
  • Users can also return books by entering the return date, ensuring a smooth book return process.

Late Return Penalty:

  • To encourage timely returns, the system implements a late return penalty system.
  • Users who fail to return books on time will be subject to fines, which are automatically calculated and applied.

Rental Management:

  • Users can view their rented books, along with due dates and rental statuses, providing a clear overview of their borrowing activities.
  • Administrators have access to a comprehensive dashboard to monitor all rentals and manage any overdue items.

Book Management:

  • Administrators have the ability to manage the library's book collection.
  • They can add new books, edit existing book details, and remove books that are no longer available.

Technologies Used:

  • Node.js: The powerful runtime environment that enables server-side JavaScript execution.
  • Express.js: A popular Node.js web framework used for routing and middleware implementation.
  • MongoDB: A flexible and scalable NoSQL database used for efficient data storage and retrieval.
  • Mongoose: An Object Data Modeling (ODM) library that simplifies interactions with MongoDB.
  • HTML/CSS: The fundamental languages for creating the website's structure and styling.
  • Bootstrap: A CSS framework that provides responsive design components for a visually appealing and user-friendly interface.

How to Contribute:

If you would like to contribute to the Node.js Book Rental project, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the project repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
  3. Create a new branch for your contributions.
  4. Implement the desired changes, such as adding new features, fixing bugs, or improving existing functionalities.
  5. Test your changes to ensure they are functioning correctly and do not introduce any regressions.
  6. Commit your changes with clear and descriptive messages.
  7. Push your changes to your branch on your GitHub repository.
  8. Submit a pull request to the main repository, describing your changes and their benefits.
  9. Your contributions will be greatly appreciated in enhancing the Node.js Book Rental project and providing an exceptional book rental experience for users.



Thank you for your interest and participation in the Node.js Book Rental project!