
Duino-Coin... but over BSC

Primary LanguagePython


BscDUCO is a token that allows transferring duino-coin (the only arduino-mineable cryptocurrency) to Binance Smart Chain (BSC) for pancakeswap trades and more stuff.

How does that work ?

For each circulating bscDUCO, one DUCO is stored in a custody account.

Token address : 0xcf572ca0ab84d8ce1652b175e930292e2320785b

Custody account : bscDUCO

How to get bscDUCO ?

If you send DUCO to custody account (bscDUCO) and use your bsc address as memo, transaction will be automatically processed !

note: Tech is still in beta and could lead to loss of funds, don't wrap too big amounts !!!

How to get back DUCO ?

Feel free to visit the unwrapping dApp in order to unwrap them !

Other chains

As this system can easily be ported to other EVM chains, we can have duco almost everywhere !

It uses same custody system but different config !!!

Wrap/nbwrap dApp automatically detects when metmask is connected to another network, and will automatically switch token !


Custody account : maticDUCO

Token : 0xaf965beb8c830ae5dc8280d1c7215b8f0acc0cea


Custody account : celoDUCO

Token : 0xDB452CC669D3Ae454226AbF232Fe211bAfF2a1F9


Custody account : rDUCO

Token : 0x9ffE5c6EB6A8BFFF1a9a9DC07406629616c19d32

More chains are planned in the future (like harmony) !

Some other stuff

In-custody DUCO shall always be more or equal to token's supply. If custody is below token's supply, that means tokens are unbacked (we are not tether), and and please raise an issue immediately !