
A C library for seamlessly create sockets

Primary LanguageC


Sockets as easy as in python !

Importing lib

If you want to init lib, you should put simpleSocket.h file within the same directory as C file.

Then, import it using #include "simpleSocket.h" !

Creating new socket

You can create a new socket with newSocket(ip, port). Function will return socket, so full command is socket = newSocket(ip,port) note : ip is a string, and port is an integer

Sending data

Sending data protocol is send(socket variable, data, lenght of data, 0) So sending hello world on a socket named sock1lead to type (I know, I didn't add the semicolon at the end of line) : send(sock1,"Hello world",strlen("Hello world"),0)

Receiving data

For receiving data, you should enter recv(socket variable, variable to write, lenght to read, 0) Lenght to read is the lenght of tcp buffer that will be read (it is never fully instant, so a buffer stores data, and we read this buffer).

So receiving 64 bits of data from a socket named sock1, and writing received data to a textVariable variable will lead to recv(sock1,textVariable,64,0) !


Here's an example of

#include "simplesocket.h"
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  int sock1;
  char buffer[100] = "Hello world";
  char recvbuffer[100];
  sock1 = newSocket("",30000);
  printf("received : %s\n",recvbuffer);