
A set of tools to capture and decode Iridium frames

Primary LanguagePython

Simple toolset to decode Iridium signals


  • python (2.7)
  • numpy (scipy)
  • perl (5.x)


Unless otherwise noted in a file, everyting here is (c) Sec & schneider and licenced under the 2-Clause BSD Licence

Example usage

Capture with hackrf or rad1o and multiprocessing

Note: The rad1o has to be in hackrf-mode

hackrf_transfer  -r /dev/stdout -f 1627000000 -a 1 -l 40 -g 20 -s 2000000 | python2 multiprocessing-sec.py -c 1627000000 -r 2000000 -f hackrf --jobs 2 | grep "A:OK" | tee outfile

This writes to outfile. Pager messages can be decoded with

python2 iridium-parser.py outfile

Capture with usrp and processing in stages


record with usrp. So far we've used two settings:

The catch-all interesting stuff

  • center frequency: 1626270833
  • sample rate: 2000000 (2M)

or to just catch pager channel stuff and smaller files:

  • center frequency: 1626440000
  • sample rate: 250000 (250k)

The output files are named


X is the X'th file of the day the v is replaces with an s on the "narrow" receive settings

To process them, there are three stages:


detector-fft.py <rawfilename>

this searches through the file in 5ms steps to scan for activity and copies these parts into snippets called <rawfilename>-<timestamp>.det


cut-and-downmix.py <detectorfile>

this mixes the signal down to 0Hz and cuts the beginning to match the signal exactly. Output is <detfile>-f<frequency>.cut



this does manual dqpsk demodulation of the signal and outputs <cutfile>.peaks (for debugging) <cutfile>.data the raw bitstream and on stdout an ascii summary line.


gather all the ascii bits in a single file <rawfilename>.bits


To simplify running these tools, there is doit.pl.

it runs stage1 (if requested) then it runs stage2/3 per output of stage1, up to $ncpu times in paralell then run stage4 (if requested)

run it as doit.pl [-1234] rawfilename

if you give no options, it tries to autodetect what stages haven't yet run