
SAX motif extraction and recognition

Primary LanguagePython

#SMEAR - SAX motif extraction and recognition#

written by Sebastian Steuer (steuers@cip.ifi.lmu.de)


SMEAR depends on traits, traits.ui, and chaco.

traits is a type-system for python, traits.ui a MVC-framework and chaco is a chart plotting library. All three are made by enthought

##How to use##

  • smear.py has help built-in. Try python src/smear.py -h

  • plotter.py runs by itself and can:

    • load .arff/.wav/.sax data
    • select a slice of the sequence, select the parameters for the SAX-string generation
    • export the SAX-string as a .sax file for later comparison
  • execute python src/smear.py -c SAXFILE to run a comparison of SAXFILE against all testdata and get a little evaluation (Precision, Recall, F1)

    • e.g python src/smear.py -c sax/e_1_word4.sax

you can also use the SAX-generator from an interactive python shell:

cd src
>>> import sax
>>> sax.saxify(range(100), epsilon = 20, word_size = 5, alphabet_size = 3)


The /td folder contains .arff-files for ten different exercises (1-10) performed by 5 different persons (a-e). Each file contains 10 iterations of the exercise.

##What does not work##

  • non-unix-systems: hardcoded paths at a few places, Windows won't work.
  • data with more or less than six dimensions, or in general all data that isn't exactly written in the format that SMEAR excepts.
  • No unittests yet, tbd