Land use classification or Landform delineation on remote sensing images. Specifically, this repo is to delineate landforms due to the thawing of ice-rich permafrost using Deep Learning.
- 3a1b2c3www.journeai.com
- bqpseismology
- bradleygayJet Propulsion Laboratory
- Createroner
- cryocuhkShatin, Hong Kong
- daizi20000
- devanshkhandekarIndia
- diego19508
- dongyi1996CAU
- edx903@geointcn
- eunicecy
- Gaoyufffff
- geodatashao
- inuyashacas
- janesionInstitute of Seismology, CEA
- JiangTheaThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
- jihenghu
- l44xu
- leolioness1DICE
- lmariniNCSA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Ly0n@protontypes
- LYXinhub
- mmacferrinUniversity of Colorado, CIRES, NCEI
- noklam@kedro-org @quantumblacklabs
- November666Wuhan University
- Peanut-Zhou
- ramonssouza
- robmarkcole@earthdaily
- RSerSYQShandong
- scouthe
- sheyueyu武汉
- surfcaoUniversity of Colorado Boulder
- sweet-blue
- wang-zaoPKU -> UCSD
- yghlcHong Kong
- Zhiwei8848