[U]niversal [M]DM [A]pproval [D]ialog
You most certainly want to customize the following values:
- cutoffdate
- duedatetext
- manualenrollmenturl
- moreinfourl
- profileidentifier
Also, you will at the very least want to change the nag_ss.png
You will need to use munki-pkg to build this package
This tool would not be possible without nibbler, written by Michael Lynn
Because of the way git works, umad will not contain the Logs
folder required for the postinstall to complete.
In order to create a properly working package, you will need to run the following command:
munkipkg --sync /path/to/cloned_repo/mdm/umad
The following operating system and versions have been tested.
- 10.10.0 Note 1, 10.10.5 - Note 2
- 10.11.0, 10.11.6
- 10.12.0, 10.12.6 (10.12 is very unreliable with DEP nagging)
- 10.13.0 10.13.3, 10.13.6
- 10.14.0
Essentially every component of the UI is customizable, all through the LaunchAgent.
Cut off date in UTC.
This is the number, in days, of when to start the initial UI warning. When this set of days passes, the user will be required to hit an "I Understand" button, followed by the "Close" button to exit out of the UI.
This is the bolded portion of the UI towards the top.
<string>MDM Enrollment is required by 12/31/2018 (No Restart Required)</string>
If a user has a DEP capable device, but they are passed the enrollment window, they will have an option to manually enroll.
This is the first set of text above the enrollment button.
<string>Not getting this notification?</string>
If a user has a DEP capable device, but they are passed the enrollment window, they will have an option to manually enroll.
This is the second set of text above the enrollment button.
<string>You can also enroll manually below:</string>
Always show the manual enrollment button, DEP or not.
If a device is DEP capable, umad will not honor DoNotDisturb settings so the nag can actually appear.
If the admin wants to honor DoNotDisturb for DEP devices, use this feature.
Non-DEP devices will honor the users DND settings
A custom logo path. Alternatively, just replace the included company_logo.png
If a user does not have a DEP capable device, they will have the option to manually enroll.
This is the bolded text that takes place of the DEP or UAMDM screenshot.
<string>Manual Enrollment Required</string>
If a user does not have a DEP capable device, they will have the option to manually enroll.
This is the first set of text above the enrollment button.
<string>Want this box to go away?</string>
If a user does not have a DEP capable device, they will have the option to manually enroll.
This is the second set of text above the enrollment button.
<string>Click on the Manual Enrollment button below.</string>
This is the URL to open for the Manual Enrollment button.
This is the URL to open for the Manual Enrollment button.
A custom nag screenshot path. Alternatively, just replace the included nag_ss.png
Do not attempt to restore the umad GUI to the front of a user's window.
This is the text for the first paragraph.
<string>If you do not enroll into MDM you will lose the ability to connect to Wi-Fi, VPN and Managed Software Center.</string>
This is the text for the second paragraph.
<string>To enroll, just look for the below notification, and click Details. Once prompted, log in with your username and password.</string>
This is the text for the third paragraph.
<string>To enroll, just look for the below notification, and click Details. Once prompted, log in with your OneLogin username and password.</string>
This is the profile identifier for < 10.13 machines to check for enrollment. Should you not set this value, umad will attempt to look for a profile installed on the machine with the PayloadType of com.apple.mdm
To get this value, run the following command on a computer with your MDM profile installed: profiles -C -o stdout-xml
Look for the MDM profile and notate the identifier. Some MDMs may use a UUID for this value.
Some examples:
<string>MDM profile</string>
<string>MDM Profile</string>
<string>MDM profile</string>
<string>MDM Profile</string>
This is the text right under the main title.
<string>A friendly reminder from your local IT team</string>
Should the user have a 10.13.4+ device that is not User Approved MDM, they will be notified that they need to approve the MDM.
This is the first set of text above the system preferences button.
<string>Want this box to go away?</string>
Should the user have a 10.13.4+ device that is not User Approved MDM, they will be notified that they need to approve the MDM.
This is the second set of text above the system preferences button.
<string>Open System Preferences and approve Device Management.</string>
This is the main, bolded text at the very top.
<string>MDM Enrollment</string>
The time, in seconds, to restore the umad GUI to the front of a user's window. This will occur indefinitely until the UI is closed or MDM is enrolled.
This is when the MDM cutoff is one day or less.
The time, in seconds, to restore the umad GUI to the front of a user's window. This will occur indefinitely until the UI is closed or MDM is enrolled.
This is when the MDM cutoff is three days or less.
The time, in seconds, to restore the umad GUI to the front of a user's window. This will occur indefinitely until the UI is closed or MDM is enrolled.
This is when the MDM cutoff has elapsed.
The time, in seconds, to restore the umad GUI to the front of a user's window. This will occur indefinitely until the UI is closed or MDM is enrolled.
This is when the MDM cutoff is one hour or less
The time, in seconds, to restore the umad GUI to the front of a user's window. This will occur indefinitely until the UI is closed or MDM is enrolled.
This is when the MDM cutoff is over three days.
The time, in seconds, to check if the device is enrolled into MDM.
This is the text for the first paragraph on the user Approved MDM UI.
<string>Thank you for enrolling your device into MDM. We sincerely appreciate you doing this in a timely manner.</string>
This is the text for the second paragraph on the user Approved MDM UI.
<string>Unfortunately, your device has been detected as only partially enrolled into our system.</string>
This is the text for the third paragraph on the user Approved MDM UI.
<string>Please go to System Preferences -> Profiles, click on the Device Enrollment profile and click on the approve button.</string>
A custom uamdm screenshot path. Alternatively, just replace the included uamdm_ss.png.png