
React Component Library (RCL) used by SKC React projects.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


React component library that will be used by SKC sites.

Build & Code Quality


Deploy StoryBook

This repo has a corresponding StoryBook website that users can take advantage of and see all current components supported. If above badge is not green, then recent deployment of StoryBook components has failed.


Jest is used to run Unit tests. There are many dependencies used in testing and they will be explained below.

Library Function
@testing-library/jest-dom Allows tests to use HTML element matchers. This is imported for all tests using the file setupTests.ts and linked in the package.json file under Jest config named setupFilesAfterEnv
@testing-library/react Helper library for React apps. Allows us to render the DOM of react apps using the Component
jest-environment-jsdom" Since the default test environment is node, we need to install jsdom (this lib) and specify the environment in the package.json file under Jest config named testEnvironment. More info here
jest-transform-css Allows components within tests to import CSS files
ts-jest Allows jest to test TS files