
Application to tag files with any operating system. Using QT and developped within an HMI course at Univ-Nantes.

Primary LanguageC++


This is an application to tag files. Using QT developped within an HMI course at Univ-Nantes.


To go further

  • Add a context menu on the items.

    • In TagList:
      • Rename
      • Delete
      • Copy : Copy a tag as text/uri-list and as tagulous/tag
      • Paste : As tag if in TagList (which creates copiedTag.name()+"2")
    • In FileList:
      • Delete
      • Copy : as text/uri-list
      • Paste : able to paste an text/uri-list
      • Open/Open in finder
  • Use a good proxy to filter/sort the models

  • Simplify the code by merging TagListWidget and FileListWidget (the code is very similar in both)

  • Add a delegate (idk what it is but it seem interestinh)

  • Improve the persistance (using threads), distribute the toXML function in each class (TagList::toXML calls Tag::toXML)

  • TagListDrop and TagListCheckable should be decorators not inheritors

  • Implementing ctrl-z would be wonderful

  • Add a status bar at the bottom to display useful informations

  • When a tag is created is should be in edit mode directly