
This project is an API built using Rails, accessed through token authentication, that web scraps some information from this quotes website, and returns the info extracted through an API.

Specifications bellow:

  • Rails (rails;
  • Ruby (ruby 2.6.6)
  • mongoid (7.1.2) - database;
  • devise (4.7.2) - for user authentication;
  • simple_token_authentication (1.17.0) - for token authentication;


Cloning repository:

git clone --origin api-quotes your-project-name
cd your-project-name

Create your repository:

git init .
git add .
git commit

Install all the dependencies:

bundle install
yarn install

Run MongoDB Locally:

As MongoDB server is running locally, if you don't have already a local MongoDB server, download and install. The configuration at config/mongoid.yml and config/cable.yml needs to be changed (replace the api_quotes between asterisks, removing the asterisks, with your app name):

  • config/mongoid.yml:
- config if you want
      database: *api_quotes*_development
        - localhost:27017
        server_selection_timeout: 1
     database: *api_quotes*_test
       - localhost:27017
         mode: :primary
       max_pool_size: 1
  • config/cable.yml
adapter: redis
url: <%= ENV.fetch("REDIS_URL") { "redis://localhost:6379/1" } %>
channel_prefix: *api_quotes*_production
  • If you recently installed MongoDB (for ubuntu), and need to start the service*:
sudo service mongod start 

*Always be cautious when using 'sudo' command;

Understanding the API:


  • This API will web scrap for quotes on the website and the resulting information will be recorded in the MongoDB and made avaiable by the API itself.
  • ThIS API receives a "tag" as parameter (ex:, and the quotes to be extracted must be classifed according to this "tag";
  • Everytime the API begin a new scraping, will check before with MongoDB, to see if the said "tag" already been searched. If so, the info already in MongoDB will be displayed;

This API has the following endpoints and structures:

  • To see tag results: /api/v1/quotes/:search_tag:
    "quotes": [
            "quote": "quote",
            "author": "author name",
            "author_about": "link to author profile",
            "tags": [
                    "tag1": "tag1"
                    "tag2": "tag2"
  • To see authors and respectives quotes already saved into MongoDB: /api/v1/authors:
    "authors": [
            "author": "Author name",
            "author_about": "link to author profile",
            "quotes": [
                    "quote": "quote"

How to use:

You can use:

  • Postman: see this tutorial to learn how to use;
  • Console (as bellow);

Access the terminal:

rails c

Create a user:

User.create(email: "", password: "123456")

This will generate something like that:

 #<User _id: BSON::ObjectId('5f37339b954d1751ac7a191b'), authentication_token: "Yc_QXEcq44VaFYQ3Aq9t", email: "">

Copy the 'authentication_token' and use as bellow to run the API:

  • For /api/v1/quotes/:search_tag endpoint (with "word" as the tag to be searched):
curl -i -X POST                                        \
       -H 'Content-Type: application/json'              \
       -H 'X-User-Email:'               \
       -H 'X-User-Token: Yc_QXEcq44VaFYQ3Aq9t'          \
  • For /api/v1/authors endpoint:
curl -i -X GET                                        \
       -H 'Content-Type: application/json'              \
       -H 'X-User-Email:'               \
       -H 'X-User-Token: Yc_QXEcq44VaFYQ3Aq9t'          \


  • This API was created with a versioning structure (as "app/controllers/api/v1/quotes_controller.rb"), as a webscraper needs to be constantly changed (depending on changes of the scraped website structure);
  • This allows the API to be continuously developed and changed, without changing the behaviour of earlier versions, avoiding affecting different clients;
  • As the models aren't versioned, this API was built setting the scrapping methods into the controller.;
  • This way, any future change in the scraping method of new versions of the API won't affect earlier versions;

Next steps:

  • Replace "SearchTag" model relations with "Quote" for "Tag" relations with "Quote";
    • "Tag" will receive a boolean field, that indicates if the object was already searched or not;
    • This will allow that the field "tags" (type array) of "Quote" be replaced for a relation "has_and_belongs_to_many" with "Tag";
    • This way the API can receive a endpoint to consult all the tags in the MongoDB (no matter if they were searched or not), and its respectives quotes;
  • Set a index for all the classes, so the performance of the app improves;

Thank you!