
This project is a basic sample of an stroller's ecommerce built in Ruby On Rails.

Check on

Specifications bellow:

  • Rails (rails;
  • Ruby (ruby 2.6.6)
  • psql (PostgreSQL 12.4) - database;
  • devise (4.7.2) - for user authentication;
  • pg_search (2.3.0) - for seach engine;


Cloning repository:

git clone --origin ecommerce-sample your-project-name
cd your-project-name

Create your repository:

git init .
git add .
git commit
hub create

Install all the dependencies:

bundle install
yarn install

Functionalities of the project:


  • It is a simple marketplace (with low scalability)with the main functions necessary to operate:
    • An admin user to access the marketplace's management tools;
    • Products CRUD functions:
      • You can create through a YAML file upload or by manually creating a product item;
      • The YAML file structure should be like bellow:
      - name: 'XXXXX'
        brand: 'XXXXX'
        category: 'XXXXXX'
        for: 'XXXXX'
        desc1: 'XXXXX'
    • Cart checkout:
      • The user can add items, modify the quantity and empty the cart;
    • Coupon discount:
      • Admins can create (in a exclusive section) series of discount coupons and choose between a range of 4 options of discount (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%);
      • All coupons can be used only one time;
    • Orders management:
      • Admins can keep track of all clients orders already billed;
    • Client orders:
      • Clients can have access to their orders;

Next steps:

  • Implement Pundit gem and user policies, and give each user type a proper authorization;
  • Write tests;
  • Implement Stripes to enable payments;
  • Increment user checkout journey;
  • Implement active storage, to upload photos;
  • Implement customer reviews;

Thank you!