
State management for local and global variables in javascript

Primary LanguageTypeScript


State management for local and global variables in javascript



With NPM

npm i usewatch-js

With UNPKG, add the script below to your page

<script src="https://unpkg.com/usewatch-js/dist/usewatch-js.min.js"></script>

File minified


import {setState, useWatch} from 'usewatch-js';

const count = setState(0);

// When using useWatch it triggers the first time taking the initial value
useWatch(() => {
    console.log('count', count.value);
}, [count])

// output useWatch = count 1;

count.value = 3;
// output useWatch = count 3;
// Create a example file (example.js)

import {setState, useWatch} from 'usewatch-js';

const data = setState('keyName', {
  text: 'Example text'

useWatch(() => {
}, [data])

data.text = "Test 2";
// output useWatch = Test 2

* Now let's use the same state in another file
* In the other file the usage looks like this

// Example file (example-two.js)

import {useState, useWatch} from 'usewatch-js';

const data = useState('keyName');

useWatch(() => {
  console.log(`In file example-two.js = ${data.text}`);
}, [data])

// Here it will display in the console:

// In file example-two.js = Example text
// In file example-two.js = Test 2
import {setState, useWatch} from 'usewatch-js';

const str = setState('Test');
const anyNumber = setState(1);

useWatch((strArg, numArg) => {
    console.log('strArg', strArg);
    console.log('numArg', numArg);
}, [str, anyNumber])

// output useWatch = 
  // strArg
    "value": 'Test',
    "oldValue": 'Test',
    "hasChanged": true

  // numArg
    "value": 1,
    "oldValue": 1,
    "hasChanged": true

str.value = 'Test number two';

  // strArg
    "value": 'Test number two',
    "oldValue": 'Test',
    "hasChanged": true

  // numArg
    "value": 1,
    "oldValue": 1,
    "hasChanged": false