
Real-time data delivery on Spring Boot using STOMP over WebSockets

Primary LanguageJava

Real-Time Private Messaging Demo Using STOMP Over WebSockets on Spring Boot

This project demonstrates the use of STOMP over WebSockets on Spring Boot in conjunction with Apache ActiveMQ and Apache Camel to send data to clients in real-time. For a more detailed explanation, visit the blog page at http://yalingunayer.com/blog/realtime-data-delivery-on-spring-boot-using-activemq-and-stomp-over-websockets-part-2



Install and run your ActiveMQ instance. If the address your ActiveMQ is running on is not tcp://localhost:61616 change the configuration at src/main/java/messaging/config/CamelConfig.java

Once ActiveMQ starts running, run the application with the command gradle bootRun

Visit http://localhost:8080 to access the UI.

Login with one of the following users:

Username Password
user1 pass1
user2 pass2
user3 pass3

Make sure to login with different users on different browser sessions (multiple browsers or browser tabs) to demonstrate both user-specific and broadcast message delivery in real-time.


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