
The code for "Gathering Scattered Objects with Tethered Robot Duo"

Primary LanguageC++


This repository consists of the code for "Object Gathering with a Tethered Robot Duo".

Code Description

Gazebo Simulation

turtlebot3_gazebo/ includes the necessary files for running simulation in Gazebo. "tethered_turtle.urdf.xacro" and "tethered_turtle.gazebo.xacro" in urdf/ define the model of the tethered TurtleBots. "real.world" in worlds/ defines the world environment. "turtlebot_motor.launch" in launch/ and "torque_controller.yaml" in config/ define the controllers. "turtlebot3_real_world.launch" in launch/ helps to launch the Gazebo simulation. "traj.py" and "turtle_adaptive_one.py" in src/ are two python files that control the motors.

Real-world Experiment

turtlebot3_torque/ includes the firmware that needs to be uploaded to OpenCR 1.0 on Turtlebot3 Waffle Pi. Check out the files in examples/turtlebot3_torque_waffle/turtlebot3_torque_core/, as well as "turtlebot3_torque_motor_driver.h" in include/turtlebot3_torque/ and "turtlebot3_torque_motor_driver.cpp" in src/turtlebot3_torque/. Note that we command the torque of each wheel of Turtlebot3 by writing the current instead of commanding the velocity of Turtlebot3.

Pi/ includes the files that need to be uploaded to Raspberry Pi 3B+ after proper SBC setup as in here. "traj.py" reads the trajectories information from traj_opt.txt, and "turtle_adaptive_one.py" controls the motors. "plot_traj.py" should be on your local laptop or PC. "real_traj.txt" is a file recording the real trajectories of the two Turtlebot3.

Program Running

Gazebo Simulation

Open a terminal, and run:


Open another terminal, and run:

roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_real_world.launch

After the Gazebo window is opened, open another 2 terminals and run "turtle_adaptive_one.py" and "traj.py" in turtlebot3_gazebo/src/sequentially.

Real-world Experiment

Before continuing, make sure your laptop or PC and the SBC on TurtleBot3 are connected to the same WiFi. Configure their ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_HOSTNAME properly.

On your laptop or PC, open a terminal, and run:


Open another terminal, ssh to the corresponding SBC, and run:

roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch

Open another terminal, ssh to the corresponding SBC, and run:


Open another terminal, ssh to the corresponding SBC, and run:


After each experiment, put the TurtleBot3 to anywhere you want as the starting point, and press any arrow button on the remote controller for a while to reset the robot.