
A TSN/DetNet Node Controller with Interference Protection

Primary LanguageC

detnetctl - A TSN/DetNet Node Controller with Interference Protection

The purpose of detnetctl is to coordinate different applications requiring real-time communication (in the sense of TSN or DetNet) running on the same Linux system. The main focus is to avoid interference between different networking applications, even if they can not be fully trusted to be cooperative. For example, this prevents the situation that two applications send to the same TSN stream due to misconfiguration, bugs or security issues and thus might sent their traffic in the same time slot leading to missed deadlines.

In its current status, this software should be classified as demonstrator or research prototype intended for collecting experience with the requirements. For feedback or if you have a related productive use case, please contact Linutronix.


The detnetctl software is split up into features that can be individually enabled to make it possible to try it out without the full set of dependencies. The features are introduced one by one below, but you should be able to mix and match by adapting the respective cargo build commands.


detnetctl itself (i.e. everything under the src directory) is published under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0 or later. We are happy about every contribution to the main repository to improve detnetctl for everyone!

However, just interfacing with detnetctl via the D-Bus interface does not count as a derived work, so there is no need to publish your proprietary application that just uses detnetctl. In order to support that, the examples are licensed under the terms of the "BSD Zero Clause License" and thus can be easily used as starting point for your integration. We still encourage you to share examples and use cases with us if they could be interesting for the community. However, pay attention that the examples focus on clarity so you need to extend the code to match the requirements for error handling and resilience of your application.

Please note that detnetctl has several dependencies with their own licenses. The cargo-license tool can give you an overview. Also note that config/yang/schemas is a Git submodule referring to the Github YANG collection and for using its YANG models you need to conform to their respective licenses.

Command Line Interface

A TSN/DetNet Node Controller with Interference Protection

Usage: detnetctl [OPTIONS]

  -o, --oneshot                    Oneshot setup, i.e. do not spawn D-Bus service
  -p, --protect <APP:CGROUP>       At startup, restrict the access to an app to the provided cgroup separated by a
                                   colon (e.g. -p app0:/user.slice/). can be provided multiple times
  -c, --config <FILE>              Use YAML configuration with the provided file. Otherwise, uses sysrepo
      --no-queue-setup <PRIORITY>  Skip queue setup and use the given priority for all streams
      --no-dispatcher              Skip installing eBPFs - no interference protection!
      --bpf-debug-output           Print eBPF debug output to kernel tracing
      --no-interface-setup         Skip setting up the link
  -i, --ptp-instance <INSTANCE>    Configure PTP for the given instance
  -h, --help                       Print help
  -V, --version                    Print version

Oneshot Dry-Run (Minimal Feature Set)

Only performs a one-shot dry-run reading the configuration from a YAML file.


  1. Install Rust
  2. Start the build in the detnetctl directory
cargo build --no-default-features


In the detnetctl directory run the following command

./target/debug/detnetctl -c config/yaml/example.yml --no-queue-setup 3 --no-dispatcher --no-interface-setup --oneshot --protect app0:/user.slice/

This will only read the configurations from the configuration file, performs a dry run setup as well as pretending to installing protection for app0 and prints out for example the following output:

Setup of DetNet system
  Fetched from configuration module: {
    "app0": AppConfig {
        logical_interface: "enp86s0.5",
        physical_interface: "enp86s0",
        period_ns: Some(
        offset_ns: Some(
        size_bytes: Some(
        destination_address: Some(
        vid: Some(
        pcp: Some(
        addresses: Some(
    "app1": AppConfig {
        logical_interface: "enp86s0.3",
        physical_interface: "enp86s0",
        period_ns: Some(
        offset_ns: Some(
        size_bytes: Some(
        destination_address: Some(
        vid: Some(
        pcp: Some(
        addresses: None,
  Interface enp86s0 down
  Result of queue setup: QueueSetupResponse {
    logical_interface: "enp86s0.5",
    priority: 3,
  Dispatcher installed for stream StreamIdentification {
    destination_address: Some(
    vlan_identifier: Some(
} with priority 3 on enp86s0
  VLAN interface enp86s0.5 properly configured
  Added to enp86s0.5
  Interface enp86s0 up
  Interface enp86s0.5 up
  Interface enp86s0 down
  Result of queue setup: QueueSetupResponse {
    logical_interface: "enp86s0.3",
    priority: 3,
  Dispatcher installed for stream StreamIdentification {
    destination_address: Some(
    vlan_identifier: Some(
} with priority 3 on enp86s0
  VLAN interface enp86s0.3 properly configured
  No IP address configured, since none was provided
  Interface enp86s0 up
  Interface enp86s0.3 up
  Finished after 249.7µs
Request to protect app0
  Fetched from configuration module: AppConfig {
    logical_interface: "enp86s0.5",
    physical_interface: "enp86s0",
    period_ns: Some(
    offset_ns: Some(
    size_bytes: Some(
    destination_address: Some(
    vid: Some(
    pcp: Some(
    addresses: Some(
  Protection installed for stream StreamIdentification {
    destination_address: Some(
    vlan_identifier: Some(
} on enp86s0

D-Bus Interface

Instead of using the oneshot mode, you usually want to run detnetctl as daemon to dynamically react to new requests. In the following, it is shown how to use the D-Bus interface to send protect requests (even if they will have no effect until the eBPF Dispatcher is also used). This can be done by the application itself (for the interface description see [facade]) or via the detnetctl-run tool. For the former, the application needs to take care to put itself in an adequate cgroup (see eBPF Dispatcher), while the detnetctl-run tool requires a running systemd user session.


  1. Make sure you have D-Bus and systemd running on your system
  2. Make yourself familiar with the D-Bus policy in config/dbus/detnetctl.conf and change the policy user for the application to your username. Finally install it with
sudo cp config/dbus/detnetctl.conf /etc/dbus-1/system.d/
  1. Install the build dependencies for D-Bus applications, e.g.
sudo apt install libdbus-1-dev libdbus-1-3 build-essential pkg-config
  1. Build detnetctl
cargo build --no-default-features --features dbus
  1. Build the example application
sudo apt install libxdp-dev
SETCAPS=1 make -C examples

The SETCAPS sets the required capabilities and for that calls sudo setcap, so you might get a password prompt.


Copy and adapt the configuration file according to your preference, especially the logical interface needs to be bindable from the application and should be able to reach the hostname you specify below. A minimal configuration file without VLAN and TSN settings would look like this:

    logical_interface: enp86s0
    physical_interface: enp86s0

Start the service with

sudo ./target/debug/detnetctl -c myconfig.yml --no-queue-setup 2 --no-dispatcher --no-interface-setup

sudo is required here, since the D-Bus policy above only allows root to own org.detnet.detnetctl. You can adapt the policy accordingly if you like.

Then in a second terminal start the sample application with

./target/debug/detnetctl-run app0 ./examples/simple/simple example.org

Here app0 references the application in the configuration and everything else is the command and its arguments that will be started by detnetctl-run.

Interface Setup

Up to now the transmission took place directly via the physical interface. Now, change the logical interface in the configuration to a VLAN interface (e.g. enp86s0.5) and set the VLAN ID (5 in this case). The VLAN interface will be automatically added by detnetctl.


Adapt the configuration to include the interface configuration, e.g.

    logical_interface: enp86s0.5
    physical_interface: enp86s0
    addresses: [[, 24]]
    vid: 5

Prepare second computer

In order to run the simple example, you also need to make sure that a webserver can be reached via this VLAN. For this, you can configure a VLAN interface on a second computer (referred to with hostname webserver and IP address in the following) with e.g.

webserver:~$ sudo ip link add link enp86s0 name enp86s0.5 type vlan id 5
webserver:~$ sudo ip address add dev enp86s0.5
webserver:~$ sudo ip link set dev enp86s0.5 up

and install a webserver (like lighttpd) or just run one temporarily with

webserver:~$ sudo python3 -m http.server 80


Again at the first computer start the build:

cargo build --no-default-features --features dbus,netlink


Start the service with

sudo ./target/debug/detnetctl -c myconfig.yml --no-queue-setup 3 --no-dispatcher

And in a second terminal

./target/debug/detnetctl-run app0 ./examples/simple/simple

The sample application will now send over the VLAN. However, if you now start a second application with


it will happily connect, too. That is normal for general networking, but in DetNet/TSN context this implies that two applications generate traffic for the same DetNet flow or TSN stream respectively. Since the realtime guarantees for a DetNet flow or TSN stream are always only provided for a given amount of traffic, this can be very problematic and thus the access will be restricted in the next section.

eBPF Dispatcher

Installs an eBPF at tc egress so that after an application has registered, only the application(s) in a certain cgroup can transmit for the given TSN stream. The respective cgroup will be provided during protection by the caller, so it is its responsibility to make sure that all applications within the given cgroup are permitted to send to the TSN stream. This usually means that the relevant application is isolated in its own cgroup (similar to isolating applications in cgroups for controlling CPU and memory utilization).

How the cgroups are managed is system-dependent. Today, this is usually the responsibility of a dedicated service like systemd (reasons for this approach and how systemd handles it), but there are other options like the (unfavored) option for direct interfacing with the kernel cgroup interface. For this documentation, we assume systemd is used, but detnetctl itself has no dependency on systemd (except for the detnetctl-run tool) and can be used with other means of managing cgroups.


To properly identify the TSN stream in the dispatcher and to set the PCP, we now also need to add the destination MAC address and the PCP to the configuration:

    logical_interface: enp86s0.5
    physical_interface: enp86s0
    addresses: [[, 24]]
    vid: 5
    pcp: 3
    destination_address: 48:21:0b:56:db:da


  1. Install the build dependencies for eBPF applications, i.e.
sudo apt install libelf-dev clang
  1. Build detnetctl
cargo build --no-default-features --features dbus,netlink,bpf


Start the service with

sudo ./target/debug/detnetctl -c myconfig.yml --no-queue-setup 3 --bpf-debug-output

Then in a second terminal start the sample application with

./target/debug/detnetctl-run app0 ./examples/simple/simple

and start a second sample application with


While the first application should happily connect, the second application should be blocked, that is it will not be able to establish a connection since all its traffic gets dropped. You can monitor the filter with

sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe

PTP Configuration and Status


  1. Install linuxptp, configure and run ptp4l and phc2sys, either from your packet repository or from source as described at https://tsn.readthedocs.io/timesync.html.
  2. Build detnetctl
cargo build --no-default-features --features dbus,netlink,bpf,ptp


Adapt the configuration according to your needs. For the YAML file, the relevant section is ptp, for YANG (see below) it is ieee1588-ptp:ptp. There can be multiple PTP instances in the configuration file that will be selected by the --ptp-instance parameter. If it is not provided, no configuration will be applied, but the PTP status can still be requested.

    clock_class: 248
    clock_accuracy: 0x31
    offset_scaled_log_variance: 65535
    current_utc_offset: 37
    current_utc_offset_valid: true
    leap59: false
    leap61: false
    time_traceable: true
    frequency_traceable: false
    ptp_timescale: true
    time_source: 0xA0
    domain_number: 0
    gptp_profile: true

The most important setting that ensures the configuration is applied correctly is if the gPTP profile (IEEE 802.1AS) is used. If you are unsure, have a look at the transportSpecific field of the ptp4l configuration and the --transportSpecific argument of phc2sys. If it is 1, you should set gptp_profile in the YAML file to true and in the YANG file the sdo-id to 256 (i.e. 0x100). Otherwise, set it to false and 0, respectively.


Then start detnetctl for YAML configuration as

sudo ./target/debug/detnetctl -c myconfig.yml --no-queue-setup 3 --ptp-instance 1

At the start, the settings will be sent to ptp4l/phc2sys. It might take up to 1 minute until they are fully applied.

Since the PTP status depends on the interface to use, provide the VLAN (!) interface to the application like

./target/debug/detnetctl-run app0 ./examples/simple/simple enp86s0.5

You should see the PTP status printed every few seconds.

Queue setup with detd

In order to actually distribute the TSN streams into different timeslots according to Enhancements for Scheduled Traffic (EST) aka IEEE 802.1Qbv, detnetctl can set up the queues / qdiscs according to the configuration to enable TSN communication using TAPRIO Qdiscs.

This requires a at least one network card supported by detd (e.g. Intel® Ethernet Controller I225-LM).

Hint: detd requires proper time synchronization between the TAI clock and the PHC (e.g. via phc2sys), otherwise it might set the basetime in the future and lead to packet drops until that.


In order for detd to calculate the size and position of the timeslot, the configuration needs to be extended:

    logical_interface: enp86s0.5
    physical_interface: enp86s0
    addresses: [[, 24]]
    vid: 5
    pcp: 3
    destination_address: 48:21:0b:56:db:da 
    period_ns: 100000
    offset_ns: 0
    size_bytes: 1000


  1. Install and run detd
  2. Install build dependencies
sudo apt install protobuf-compiler
  1. Build detnetctl
cargo build --no-default-features --features dbus,netlink,bpf,ptp,detd


sudo ./target/debug/detnetctl -c myconfig.yml

Note that currently detd does not reset the TAPRIO configuration, so to retry you also have to restart detd if it would otherwise lead to conflicts.

For the simple example, there should be no noticable difference when now transmitting via the TAPRIO Qdisc. For a more complex example that tracks the timestamps have a look at the timestamp example.

Configuration via sysrepo (YANG/NETCONF)

Instead of using a YAML file, the configuration can also be made via sysrepo that uses YANG data models and can be configured via NETCONF.


  1. Install sysrepo and its dependencies. You might need to build from source, because most available packages are too old. It was successfully tested with the following versions:
libsysrepo-dev: 2.2.36
libsysrepo7:    2.2.36
sysrepo-tools:  2.2.36


netopeer2:      2.1.49
libnetconf2-3:  2.1.28
  1. Clone submodule to get YANG schema definitions
git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Build detnetctl
cargo build --no-default-features --features dbus,netlink,bpf,ptp,detd,sysrepo

or equivalent

cargo build


Load the YANG configuration from config/yang/example.json after adapting it to your needs:

sudo sysrepocfg --import=config/yang/example.json

In case of errors, load the missing schemas from config/yang/schemas, e.g.

sudo sysrepoctl -i config/yang/schemas/standard/ietf/RFC/ietf-interfaces@2018-02-20.yang
sudo sysrepoctl -i config/yang/schemas/standard/ieee/draft/1588/ieee1588-ptp.yang
sudo sysrepoctl -i config/yang/schemas/standard/ietf/RFC/ietf-ethertypes@2019-03-04.yang
sudo sysrepoctl -i config/yang/schemas/standard/ietf/RFC/ietf-routing-types@2017-12-04.yang
sudo sysrepoctl -i config/yang/schemas/standard/ietf/RFC/ietf-packet-fields@2019-03-04.yang
sudo sysrepoctl -i config/yang/schemas/standard/ieee/published/802.1/ieee802-dot1q-types.yang
sudo sysrepoctl -i config/yang/schemas/experimental/ietf-extracted-YANG-modules/ietf-detnet@2022-10-04.yang
sudo sysrepoctl -i config/yang/schemas/standard/iana/iana-if-type@2023-01-26.yang
sudo sysrepoctl -i config/yang/schemas/experimental/ietf-extracted-YANG-modules/ietf-if-extensions@2023-01-26.yang -e sub-interfaces
sudo sysrepoctl -i config/yang/schemas/standard/ieee/published/802.1/ieee802-dot1q-tsn-types.yang
sudo sysrepoctl -i config/yang/tsn-interface-configuration.yang

Restart detd as explained above, then start detnetctl as

sudo ./target/debug/detnetctl

as well as the application like before.