
nginx configuration for use with Drupal - supports boost, multisite, static image servers and multiple environments

ISC LicenseISC

yhager's nginx Drupal config:

  This is a complete nginx configuration for Drupal[1] sites. It
  supports boost, images server and multiple sites. Configuration of
  generic components is encapsulated, so you only need to define the
  required stuff, like domain name, web root directory etc.

  This is a complete nginx configuration that is meant to serve as a
  basis for your setup.

  [1] http://drupal.org


  * Drupal with clean URL's (of course!)
  * Multisite - to add a site, just create a short config file and

  * Multiple environments - like staging, development and production
    are possible (see example config file)
  * Images server for static files and imagecache manipulation (You
    would want to override theme_imagecache for this).
  * Boost[2] supported - if boost files exist they are used (Boost 5.x
    files scheme)

  * Gzipped static files are served if they exist (see tne javascript
    aggregator module[3]).

  * Only allows to run the required PHP files (index.php,
    cron.php). The rest require a htpasswd. This provides a level of
    protection that is missing from most Drupal installations.

  * Large fastcgi timeout - to allow long opeartions to run on PHP,
    until PHP times out.

  * Use http://localhost/nginx_status to monitor server health, with
    tools like munin.
  [2] http://drupal.org/project/boost
  [3] http://drupal.org/project/javascript_aggregator


  These same settings and instructions would also work for mediawiki
  based wiki site. It can be extended to support more platforms (like


  # clone
  git clone git://github.com/yhager/nginx_drupal

  # point nginx conf file to nginx.conf 
  vi /etc/init.d/nginx     # your distro might have different location

  # restart nginx (distro dependant)
  /etc/init.d/nginx restart

  # make sure you have a php-cgi server running on port 3000
  php-cgi -b

  # create a config file for your site
  cp conf/vhosts.d/{example,yoursite}.conf
  vi conf/vhosts.d/yoursite.conf 

  # edit conf/production, conf/staging and conf/dev to point to the directory of each env.
  vi conf/{production,staging,dev}

  * Running update.php and other protected PHP files

    The supplied htaccess uses the user 'user' and the password
    'secret'. Be sure to change that using the 'htpasswd' command:

    htpasswd -c -b conf/htpasswd user secret

  * Adding another site

    # Copy conf/example.conf and edit it
    cp conf/vhosts.d/{example,anothersite}.conf
    vi conf/vhosts.d/anothersite.conf

    # reload nginx
    /etc/init.d/nginx reload


  If you get an error about gzip_static line, either comment it out
  (and lose the automatic .gz files match) or recompile nginx with the
  '--with-http_gzip_static_module' configuration option.

  If you get an error about stub_status module missing, comment those
  lines out, or recompile nginx with '--with-http_stub_status_module'
  configuration option.


  Fork this project on GitHub and send pull requests.

Bugs, Features, Issues:

  File a report on the issue tracker:


  Send me an e-mail (see LICENSE for my address).