
A Angular Movies App Optimized for Performance

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


This is a Movies App built using Angular and RxAngular.
As data source the The Movie Database (TMDB) API is used.



A live deployment of this app is available to try it out.

Performance Optimizations


For now you can search the codebase for "Perf Tip" later on there will be propper documentation here.

Measures before optimization angular-movies-before_michael-hladky

Measures after optimization angular-movies-after-optimization_michael-hladky

Bundle Stats

Names Size
main.1431126081e2681f.js 329.95 KB
styles.be05b375b7ddee56.css 6.14 KB
runtime.af723d0a2b526126.js 3.73 KB
Initial Total 339.81 KB
Names Size
app_pages_movie-detail-page_movie-detail-page 15.3 KB
app_pages_not-found-page_not-found-page 12.15 KB
app_pages_person-detail-page_person-detail-page 11.58 KB
common.977fee21c1077856.js 10.72 KB
app_pages_account-feature_list-detail-page_list-items-edit_list-items-edi-393246.1eb4a0cb99024cb4.js 7.04 KB
app_pages_account-feature_account-list-page_account-list-page 4.9 KB
app_app-shell_account-menu_account-menu_component_lazy_ts.d5cbf929bd9d5bf6.js 4.32 KB
app_pages_account-feature_list-detail-page_list-detail-page 4.23 KB
app_pages_account-feature_list-detail-page_list-image_list-image 3.47 KB
app_pages_account-feature_list-detail-page_list-remove_list-remove 3.43 KB
app_pages_account-feature_list-detail-page_list-movies_list-movies 837 Bytes

Comparison to next and nuxt



Contributions are always welcome!

For large changes, please file an issue to discuss your proposed changes with us before working on a PR :)


Clone and install the dependencies for angular-movies locally:

  git clone https://github.com/tastejs/angular-movies.git
  cd angular-movies 
  npm install

Quick setup

  1. Take a copy of src/environments/environment.local.example.ts and re-name to src/environments/environment.prod.ts
  2. Get your TMDb API key
  3. Get your TMDB API read access token
  4. Enter the details into the src/environments/environment.prod.ts file

Running locally

  • npm run build:dev: dev build
  • npm run build:prod: production build
  • npm run build:prod:ssr: production build for SSR
  • npm run start: serve the project locally for development
  • npm run start:ssr:dev: serve the project locally SSR for development
  • npm run start:ssr:prod: serve the project locally SSR for production
  • npm run analyze:bundlesize: bundle size analysis

Tech Stack

Built with:



Based on the original angular-movies foundation by @clamarque.
