
Screenshot of Login screen

Originally forked from: but updated for maintainability and removing the firebase compat APIs


To set this library up for the future this library requires a version of Angular that supports both Standalone Components and the inject function.


To install this library, run (or yarn or any other package manager):

$ npm install ngx-firebase-ui

To run this library you need to have the following installed:

  1. AngularFire2
  2. Firebase,
  3. FirebaseUI-Web
$ npm install firebase firebaseui @angular/fire ngx-firebase-ui

How to use

Add the FirebaseUIModule with the config to your imports. Make sure you have initialized AngularFire correctly.

import { EmailAuthProvider, FacebookAuthProvider, GithubAuthProvider, GoogleAuthProvider, PhoneAuthProvider, TwitterAuthProvider } from 'firebase/auth';
import { auth } from 'firebaseui';

const firebaseUiAuthConfig: auth.Config = {
  signInFlow: 'popup',
  signInOptions: [
      scopes: ['public_profile', 'email', 'user_likes', 'user_friends'],
      customParameters: {
        auth_type: 'reauthenticate',
      provider: FacebookAuthProvider.PROVIDER_ID,
      requireDisplayName: false,
      provider: EmailAuthProvider.PROVIDER_ID,
  tosUrl: '<your-tos-link>',
  privacyPolicyUrl: '<your-privacyPolicyUrl-link>',
  credentialHelper: auth.CredentialHelper.GOOGLE_YOLO,

const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: '',
  authDomain: '',
  databaseURL: '',
  projectId: '',
  storageBucket: '',
  messagingSenderId: '',
  appId: '',
  measurementId: '',

bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
  providers: [provideFirebaseUi(firebaseUiAuthConfig), importProvidersFrom([provideFirebaseApp(() => initializeApp(firebaseConfig)), provideAuth(() => initializeAuth(getApp()))])],
}).catch((err) => console.error(err));

This will also work with modules, just do a similar thing in your AppModule instead of the bootstrapApplication

Add the firebaseui css to your imports:

Option 1: CSS Import

May be incompatible with older browsers.

Import the firebaseui css to your src/styles.(scss|css) file:

@import '~firebaseui/dist/firebaseui.css';

Option 2: Angular-CLI

File: angular.json (or if using Nx your project.json or workspace.json)

Path: "node_modules/firebaseui/dist/firebaseui.css"

  "build": {
    "options": {
      "styles": ["node_modules/firebaseui/dist/firebaseui.css"]

Option 3: HTML Link

Put this in the <head> tag of your index.html file:

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" />

Make sure the version number matches the version of firebaseui you have installed with npm.

Once everything is set up, you can use the component in your Angular application:



MIT © Jay Bell