
Command line application for tracking expenses with a CSV

Primary LanguagePython


Easy-to-use command line interface app for tracking expenses and viewing summaries.


  1. Create new expenses file or open pre-exisiting file
  2. Add new expenses (date, category, description, amount)
  3. Delete expenses
  4. View summary by expense category
  5. View summary by expense month-year
  6. Export summaries to CSV


Install tabulate for table formatting.

pip install tabulate

Download main.py and run it from the terminal.

File management

  • Expense files are saved as CSVs in the same folder as main.py.
  • Summaries are exported as CSVs in the same folder as main.py.


List of expenses

|   Id | Date       | Category      | Description   |   Amount |
|    1 | 2023-06-03 | Food          | Milk          |     5.00 |
|    2 | 2023-06-03 | Travel        | Gas           |    34.67 |
|    3 | 2023-06-04 | Subscriptions | Netflix       |     9.99 |
|    4 | 2023-06-04 | Health        | Gym           |    18.00 |
|    5 | 2023-06-05 | Food          | Groceries     |    86.19 |
|    6 | 2023-06-06 | Travel        | Uber          |     8.80 |
|      | TOTAL      |               |               |   162.65 |

Summary by category

| Category      |   Total spent |
| Food          |         91.19 |
| Travel        |         43.47 |
| Subscriptions |          9.99 |
| Health        |         18.00 |
| TOTAL         |        162.65 |

Summary by month

| Month-Year   |   Total spent |
| June-2023    |        162.65 |
| TOTAL        |        162.65 |