
:bookmark: A Visual Bookmark App built on top of Laravel 5

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Laravel Bookmark

Visual bookmark organizer application in Laravel

![screenshot](https://rivario.com/bookmark/images/bookmark.png ""bookmark"")

Working demo at https://rivario.com/bookmark




PHP >= 5.4
MCrypt PHP Extension
GD Library (>=2.0) or Imagick PHP extension (>=6.5.7)

How to install

Step 1: Get the code

$ git clone git://github.com/yhbyun/laravel-bookmark.git
$ cd laravel-bookmark

Step 2: Create Virtual Machine

Install the applications

If you already installed, skip this process.

Create Virtual Machine

$ vagrant up

Step 3: Install Dependencies and Populate Database

$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /vagrant
$ composer update
$ php artisan migrate --force

PhantomJS ssl bug
If there is no screenshot of https site and OS is Ubuntu 14.04, replace the installed PhantomJS(ver 1.7) with 2.0.0 version.

$ wget https://github.com/Pyppe/phantomjs2.0-ubuntu14.04x64/raw/master/bin/phantomjs
$ cp phantomjs bin/

You're done!

Release History

v0.1.0 - First Release


This is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license

Additional information

Inspired by and based on bookmarkly.com & readtrend.com

Any questions, feel free to contact me.