Flutter Independent Localization

Easily Localize without BuildContext


  1. Create a folder in assets/ with name Lang.
  2. Create json files to define translation in that folder with this format {langCode}-{countryCode}.json.
    For example:

  1. In these json files, format should be like this:
    "example key" : "Example",
    "other key" : "Others"
  1. Assign these assets in pubspec.yaml.
  # The following line ensures that the Material Icons font is
  # included with your application, so that you can use the icons in
  # the material Icons class.
  uses-material-design: true

  # To add assets to your application, aPdd an assets section, like this:
    - assets/lang/ # <---- add this
  1. In main() method, initialize IndependentLocalization like this:
    await IndependentLocalization(
            fallbackLocale: LocalizationManager.defaultLocale,
            localesJson: await LocalizationManager.localeJson)
  1. localesJson must be loaded with rootBundle from assets.
  static Future<Map<Locale, String>> get localeJson async => {
        LOCALE_JP: await rootBundle.loadString('assets/lang/ja-JP.json'),
        LOCALE_EN: await rootBundle.loadString('assets/lang/en-US.json'),
        LOCALE_CH_CN: await rootBundle.loadString('assets/lang/zh-CN.json'),
        LOCALE_CH_TW: await rootBundle.loadString('assets/lang/zh-TW.json'),

Done!. You are ready to run it.

Usage: "sometext".tr or tr("sometext")

Method Description
Get singleton instance IndependentLocalization.instance
Get current language IndependentLocalization.instance!.currentLocale
Change current language IndependentLocalization.instance!.changeLocale(locale)